IndieKid for Luzon Congress! (FPM)

Day 489, 08:40 Published in Philippines Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Dear citizens of the Philippines, my name is IndieKid and I am standing under the banner of the FPM. You might have gathered from the many articles that we are players who have decided to come and rescue your country from economic failure and to set up a strong, growing country and community.

First, let me tell you a bit about myself. I have been in this game for about 4 months. During that time I have achieved 3 congress victories, two in the UK, and one in India, who are struggling for their very existence under Indonesian rule. In the UK I set up the first regional council, won a landslide majority in one of the elections, became one of the most active forum members (second highest) and became extremely active and helpful.

I held numerous key positions inside my party, and was involved in the party cabinet, making important decisions in the way our party was moved forward. I have just recently been a member of the paratroopers, the elite branch of the army, and have seen recent action in Romania, during its legendary battles with Indonesia. I have achieved a massive amount in less than 4 months, and I hope it shows how active and dedicated I am to this game, and feel it has given me the right qualifications for the job of congressman.

For you as a citizen, I would listen to your views on all topics, and take them on board when I went about voting and debating on all topics, because ultimately, I will be your voice in government. Thank you for reading and I hope I have your vote in the elections,
