Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Deputy MOFA speaks

Day 1,294, 14:08 Published in India USA by India101
Greetings Indian people,

I have begun my term as deputy MOFA and have been assigned to many places but my main focus will be EUROPE. As most of you know Europe is a big "Theater of war" of the current WWV[World War five] that we are undergoing. I advise all to read the wiki article on WWV so you can better understand what is going on in the current world and what has occurred. Here are the countries that I will be addressing in the next week or so and I will release a public statement on which countries I will be addressing.

Countries being Adressed this Week
[more will be addressed if I get time this week]

Please also Understand that currently many wars are occurring in Europe and even though we are quite away from them we are still close to them. One of the main wars occurring in Europe is between ONE and EDEN, which is mentioned in that Wiki article. As the president has announced, we will take a neutral stance on foreign affairs but I hope to give a position as a nation in whole on that war. This will require much hard work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President but is something that I feel must be done. I've seen countries come and go, Wars start and End but World War Five is something that when our country musters up strength must take a stance on.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs