Indian Ministry Of Commerce-Offical Message

Day 1,201, 01:21 Published in India USA by India101
The ministry would like to inform all that it will be closing down until the presidental elections are ofically over. This is because the ministry must set ground rules/objectives with the new Minister of Fiance and President. Thank you for you cooperation and be sure to read the message below.

The Ministry of Commerce has been spotting out companies to see if maybe they want to expand into Indian markets. Sadly, most of the companies with potentail couldn't expand becasue of economic problems. [lack of gold]THe ministry hopes that in this term many of this ambitous companies have gathered up the needed amount of gold to buy export licenses. We feel that some sectors are overcroweded and the minsitry will be realasing a list within the next 2 weeks detailing which products export and import will be suggested in. As said above the ministry will be temporarily closing down, that means that the promotion of trade will also stop. Please understand this: Investing can be risky so don't get scammed.

Thank you,
Deputy Minister of Commerce