Indian Economy Day 1,324 of the New World

Day 1,324, 17:07 Published in India USA by India101
Welcome to this new [once,twice,three,or four] daily segment that is brought to you by the Hindustani Times. In this segment we will be posting the prices for Q1-Q5 Food, Food Raw Materials, Weapons Q1-Q5 and Weapons Raw materials daily. We will be comparing and contrasting prices and a written record will be kept. We have tried to to do this before but this is just a revival of that. Make Sure to recheck the daily article several times as updates will be posted.

We will Start by Reporting the Following:

Day 1,324 as of 17:05 Server Time


eIndian Index:[+0.00 INR]
Foo😛[+0.00 INR]
Weapons:[+0.00 INR]
Raw Materials:[+0.00 INR]


Food Q1: 0.75 INR [+0.00 INR]
Food Q2: 1.40 INR [+0.00 INR]
Food Q3: 2.36 INR [+0.00 INR]
Food Q4: 3.50 INR [+0.00 INR]
Food Q5: 3.66 INR [+0.00 INR]

Comments: The wars that have started in India have caused a rising demand in food therefore we should see a gradual decrease of product on the market and maybe gradual Increase in price.


Weapon Q1: 7.27 INR [+0.00 INR]
Weapon Q2: 14.58 INR [+0.00 INR]
Weapon Q3: 21.79 INR [+0.00 INR]
Weapon Q4: 29.93 INR [+0.00 INR]
Weapon Q5: 36.80 INR [+0.00 INR]

Comments: Again the wars in India have caused a sudden increase in demand for weapons also. We should see decrease in supply and increase in price.

Food Raw Materials

Food Raw Materials: 0.41 INR [+0.00 INR]

Comments: Maybe Higher demand in this due to higher demand in food but not sure because many food manufactures produce their own Raw materials so demand may not heighten that much.

Weapon Raw Materials

Weapon Raw Materials: 0.44 INR [+0.00 INR]

Comments: Again same thing with Weapon Raw Materials we will see a higher demand maybe but weapon producers may also produce their own raw materials so kind of unpredictable.

Update on Day 1,324 as of 19:36 Server Time:

eIndian Index:[-0.33 INR]
Foo😛[-0.01 INR]
Weapons:[-0.33 INR]
Raw Materials:[+0.01 INR]

Comments: We see the Indian indexes have fell 0.33 INR which is quite surprising. From what we've seen we expect a slight increase or evening out but not a fall for next time.


Food Q3: 2.35 INR [-0.01 INR]

Comments: The War continues and same prediction remains. Food Q3 is really self explanatory, competitive pricing and Q1 food is a very common buy for most people.


Weapon Q1: NO CHANGE
Weapon Q2: NO CHANGE
Weapon Q3: NO CHANGE
Weapon Q4: 29.90 INR [-0.03 INR]
Weapon Q5: 36.50 INR [-0.30 INR]

Comments: We have seen our biggest dip yet in the weapons q5 sector. Q5 weapons are quite pricy so many will go for the lower quality weapons and competition will still keep growing.

Food Raw Materials

Food Raw Materials: 0.42 INR [+0.01 INR]

Comments: Lowest competitor has sold his/her stock therefore we see a price increase.

Weapon Raw Materials

Weapon Raw Materials: NO CHANGE

Comments: No change in this whole sector.