India101- Why Vote for me?

Day 1,221, 17:28 Published in India USA by India101
Sorry as I know that this article is a bit overdue and should have been published earlier but I have been so busy with school.
As I have mentioned above- I've been really busy so sorry this took so long to publish, but I would like to gladly inform the Indian people that last term Foreign Affairs was taken to a new height. With the Indian-Croatian MPP and I am pretty sure that the Croatian government is thankful for our small assistance. Also our Minister of Foreign Affairs became the President! Who knows more about Foreign Affairs then a former Minister of Foreign Affairs?!?!?!
Indian Border Security.

This term if I am hopefully elected I will be working with the Indian police force to make sure that whoever is given citizenship is checked for any possible PTO threats. We need to make sure that no one amongst us is a traitor.
Indian Constitution
I will also be trying to push the appointed Indian constitutional community to hurry up with this work. I personally think that I am qualified enough to help write such a formal document as most of you know my writing style and skills. Please comment below and say "I support India101 for the committee." if you support me. We need to show the Party President what the people think.

Well I am going to keep the agenda pretty short this term that way I can work as efficiently as possible and to ensure that I can work to the best of my abilities. [especially with school up and running] Please Vote India101 and you are voting for the Progression of India! It's not to late as it's now or Never!!