India United elections - Fireredsky

Day 1,149, 11:37 Published in India India by Fireredsky
Good evening eIndia!

I'm glad to see that, there is an opponent in next party elections. Competition always force people to work harder and better 🙂
Now you can choose not only one man, a party president. Now you can choose a way, which India will follow in nearest future. Our fate is in our hands!

My name is Michael. I've founded India United Party few days after India became independent, with Devoid, Maverick10, and sharry's help - thank you guys! 🙂 After congressional elections we were able to start rebuilding eIndia. In first days there were about 100 citizens, now there are almost 500 and we are trying to start Indian baby-boom to strengthen our economy and army. Our government raised taxes which allows to sign alliances. We are regaining regions, rebuilding economy and gaining power!

What would I do in next term? Here are my objectives:

1. Strong army.
We need to reorganize IAF, form a military group, based on strong, but first of all, ACTIVE people, which will be supported with food on regular basis and weapon in important battles. Our government is working on it, but there are still some points, which must be tuned - reform must be good, not fast. We are working now on signing new alliances.

2. Economy based on free market.
As you can see, some goods on market are quite expensive. Why? In India there are not enough companies of some types, like weapon or moving tickets, that's why we need low import taxes now. It hurts a bit our own companies, because there is more competition. But in India salaries aren't very high, so companies are still profitable - I've got few companies. The most important profit are low prices of food and another goods.

3. Active forum
Unfortunately forum wasn't very active in last days. If we want a baby boom we have to interest new players, to keep them playing eRepublik. This game is quite boring in first few days, young player can't fight hard, he doesn't have nor money neither knowledge to manage a company, so we need another attractions, like active forum and IRC.
Forum is also good way to influence congressmen and government to do something. For sure you have some interesting ideas!
You think it isn't a serious problem? My opponent, kansarasumit, last visited forum on Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:34 am - nice 😉

There is India United Party subforum on eIndia forum, in my opinion it's the best place to talk about nearest elections - you just need to join group 🙂
eIndia forum -> User Control Panel -> Usergroups

Vote for Fireredsky!
