India United Congress member Qualifications

Day 637, 21:01 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Sorry for the delay guys but the Party Manifesto is still on its way.

The most important issue right now is congress elections.

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Important Information

1) Congress Election is on the 25th August erep Calender.
2) For most part of RL India that would be 25th August noon till 26th August noon
3) You can only apply to be a congress Member till 23rd August.
4) 24th August is when I decide who is running and who's not.
5) Stay in Orrisa till 22nd August and then fight on 23rd August and then goto the respective regions you are assigned to.
REMEMBER: Be in your REGION, BEFORE 24th August. Else you will NOT be able to run.

6) Once you Vote, you can move back to Orissa on 25th August.
7) After being elected, you can move wherever you want in India, but CANNOT leave country.

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RULES for being elected a Congress Member from India United

1) Manifesto MANDATORY: If you re running for the first time, do note, that most voters are not aware of who you are, and a manifesto is most vital to make yourself heard. Citizens who have run for congress previously, and with manifesto's need not re-write, but do state yourintention to run, to both me and maverick10.
Ctizens with previous record in governance need not re-write as well, whoever that will be to our discretion

2) A Manifesto's basic purpose is to state who you are, and how you wish to help fruther the current set-up. It need not be long, .... aspirations. Do NOTE however, thatit is practical & concrete. Towards that do consult either of us, before publishing your mainfesto.

3) Active on the Forum. I myself am unable to be active on forums, but make it a point to communicate & keep myself updated as to what's happenning here in eIndia, and in what direction we are moving. This is a VITAL component of Congress. So i advise you to be active on the forums &/or interact with the more experienced leaders in the party, shail, david, myself, maverick10,.... few more names who can be the congress team

4) Been in India for 1 month atleast. IF you were in India and then left and came back. Its fine, otherwise if its your first time in India. You HAVE to be here for 1 month.

5) NPF should clear your application.

6) maverick10 & myself will be reviwing your application, and as PP, and VPP, will have to take the call to decide the best candidates from our party. We will get in touch with you, but its advisable you do the same as well. Unless we know you, we CANNOT endorse you. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DENY NOMINATIONS. IF WE DEEM THEM SUSPICIOUS OR OF ILL-INTENT.
Applications will be judged on the basis of a) past experience (for older members). Based on our interaction with you (for all members, old & new)

7) In case you application is being denied, you have every right to consult us, defend your nomination, fight our case.

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If you have any questions, please forward them to me or IU vice president Maverick10 🙂



Have a good day.