India in trouble of PTO!!!

Day 836, 16:40 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

I'm sorry for the constant updates, but things are getting real...dawg!!!(?)

EDIT: eIndia along with the eUS have stopped the Mafia from PTOing their country. Just in case the PTO attempt succeeded, the ePhilippines and eMalaysia land swapped to prevent eIndia from having a border with any phoenix nation so they couldn't be attacked.

India is in trouble of a PTO attempt by "the mafia", a notorious international PTO organization. With only two candidates, one the real candidate from eIndia, and one who is supported by "the Mafia". The voting is way to close, and the leading candidate, the real candidate, is only winning by 10% as of now. eIndia has formally requested that the eUS send members of the SAC (Strategic Air Command) to help stop the PTO.

Check out the elections HERE

If you haven't voted yet, please, please make your vote matter on an international scale. This election can affect our region of Karnataka and the nation of eIndia and the alliance of EDEN. PM me if you need a moving ticket. Or, contact the Strategic Air Force, and apply now to help out in future ATO/PTO attempts.

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Marcus Patterson