INDIA FOR EDEN!!- Message from Soon to be MOFA OF INDIA

Day 1,290, 11:56 Published in India USA by India101
Fellow readers, the BROTHERHOOD OF EDEN is one of strenght, purity, and purly of unity. EDEN being one of the LARGEST alliances in the New World has a combined membership of many great countries. I being next in line for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would like to tell the Indian pepole a little bit about this legendary allaince and why I whole heartedly support it.


The Name

EDEN, unlike many allainces in the new world is more of a BROTHERHOOD then an actual alliance. Now you may ask what is the diffrence between a BROTHERHOOD and an alliance? An alliance is a collection of nations that are united through a common goal or purpose. A BROTHERHOOD is a collection of nations that are united as BROTHERS! Unlike allainces, BROTHERHOOD's are UNITED NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!


What have they done for India?

Throughout my time in India, I've been very involved in EVERYTHING! One major event that occured when I was a youngling learning from the elders, was the PAKISTANI INVASION OF INDIA! You can learn more about that war on the OFFICAL EREPUBLIK WIKI, but it occured in 2010 and Pakistan WIPED India off the Map. Well as many may remember when we would stress about winning battles many would use the phrase- "Should we call in the EDEN tankers? Yes EDEN helped our country during it's biggest war in 2010. An EDEN country, China is one of the main REASONS why we actually were able to REFORM our nation after that war. Without their military help we would never be India!

In Honor of that country that got us FREEDOM!

The War with NWO

Please understand that times are tough in the New world and the war with NWO has made it even tougher. The losing of one our dear brother, Bulgaria has made the war with NWO even harder. But as I've said Bulgaria will rise again. I'm neutral but in this war I support EDEN. Please if you would like to know more about my view on this war private message me. I don't want to publish it for the WORLD to see.

In Honor of the Country that Fought for the Brotherhood!! JAI BULGARIA!

Jai Hind!
Jai Bulgaria!
Jai China!
Jai Australia!
Jai Bosnia!
Jai Canada!
Jai Crotia!
Jai Finland!
Jai Greece!
Jai Ireland!
Jai Italy!
Jai Norway!
Jai Romania!
Jai Ukraine!
Jai South Korea!
Jai Belarus!,
To be Indian MOFA