Increasing Community Involvement. Plans.

Day 836, 09:42 Published in Thailand Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

Well, atm, Seagate and our Indonesians friends are pulling ahead, and our votes are being split. I won't go into all that, there was a whole article dedicated to it.

According to some of our people, we have a congress that can impeach, so we can all hope that's the case. If that isn't the case, then we still have to proceed as if we have control of our presidency. So with that in mind, I'm going to proceed with the same plan, more or less, that I would have if we controlled the Presidency.

The first thing is cultivating Community involvement. We need to increase the number of people involved, with that in mind, I've increased the cabinet size, and am going to introduce other elements.

The Cabinet is as follows: (subject to change)

Department of Defense

Minister of Defense:
Vincent Garibaldi

Appointed General:
Allan D-whatever your last name is

Right now, we have an active military, granted most of them are congressmen, as we can't afford to not have the active people run. However in the later months Congressional numbers become less important, so we could probably squeak out a deployment or two, depending on our cash. I think at least one is attainable and is a solid goal to shoot for this month.

Department of State

Minister of Foreign Affairs/Liaison to Sol
Soheil Shahzehan

Minister of Immigration
August L. Isaan

Department of Finance

Co-Ministers of Finance
Jimmy_Miller and Loouman

Department of Player Enrichment (working title)

Minister of New Player Development

For those of you that don't know, Roy has been writing a series of helpful articles to aid new citizens, and seems a natural for this position.

Minister of External Recruitment

As one of the few players that we have actually in Thailand. Granted we all can recruit externally, but in order for us to go down the path we need, we need new citizens that care, and the best way to do that is to get people that actually are from Thailand to come and play.

Advisory Council (working title)

This is something I'd like to get started. Not necessarily part of the council per say (as we may or may not have position for them), but the people on this board will be present for certain Cabinet meetings. Would have an amount of Imput, and would be the immediate base of people that we could employ to staff whatever projects or programs that we can come up with (i.e. new departments or ministries). the whole point of this is to facilitate more involvement.

The following people have either been contacted by myself, or will be contacted by someone shortly: and would serve as members

Hans Tastad
Huckylberry Ryder

Another thing I'd like to start is a weekly IRC meeting, starting this Saturday. I know there's multiple Time Zones present here, but I'm willing to hold multiple meetings to satisfy all availability as long as people are willing to meet me halfway. Anyone on the list or wanting to be involved, just let me know when you're available.

Now, this isn't everyone that can be involved. This list was compiled simply based off of recent activity, and is activity and "merit" based so to speak, and less about title. We want to give everyone a fair shake at expressing Ideas and coming up with solutions. I know there's many people left off this list who have recently been inactive, and they are more than welcome to join the movement. However, this month is a great example of how we can no longer wait for someone to do it, we all need to.

Stay tuned for updates.

Thanks for your time.