Day 801, 09:24 Published in Romania Bulgaria by Montanaworks

Dear neighbors,

It is your congressman, Papen83, writing in order to inform you on the procedure of electing the representatives of Ruse in the eRomanian congress. First of all, I want to start this announcement by stressing that I, being the main organizer behind the campaign that led to electing the 3 Bulgarian-origin congressmen from Ruse, did not coordinate this text with any of the command factors of eBulgaria. The operation was also accomplished solely by us – the newly born Romanian-citizenship-babies.

We simply wanted to help all players like us – those that did not like the fact that we were born with foreign citizenship. Of course, there was no other way to exploit your citizenship than that. I believed that if we succeed in getting into your congress you might apply a different, more positive approach to eBulgaria in the future and even consider getting our territories back In less than two weeks we managed to create a solid organization, consisted exclusively of babies, and we achieved our goal. I am sure those of you who are not idiots would appreciate our efforts and will greet us for the success, as we also have to congratulate you Romanians for having created such an interesting and popular game as eRepublik.

After all it is normal to have resistance and separatist movements whenever you conquer another nation. Let me also answer some of the allegations I have read in your media after the elections date – The whole operation was fair and we did not use a single fake account, clone or whatever you mentioned. We simply used the fact that you underestimated us and this was a fair win by all means, a result of your own mistakes.

We are hereby announcing our intention to propose the impeachment of your president as after such a mistake eRomania made it should be his moral obligation to resign. It is obvious that he could not take the adequate measures for the parties to counteract our candidacies. It is obvious that he could not also deal with Romania-EDEN relations and I assure you that if this was to happen in our country and we were in the Bulgarian congress we would ask for the resignation of the Bulgarian president as well. Even for you it is more than obvious that Romanian membership in EDEN is one that so far has not been in the interests of eRomania but it was only exploited by your so-called allies. For this reasons only one man should take responsibility if he is a real man at all. And that is the president of eRomania. We are sure he will not resign for not having the morale of a just man who also led his country into this useless occupation of Bulgaria. With this occupation you did us a favor as we got our unprecedented baby-boom. With this occupation you also let us enter the Romanian congress which is a shame for having only 100 votes against your 3500. I will personally leave my place in the congress as my intentions were not to undertake mean actions against eRomania but rather to tell your president and your people that conquering Bulgaria was a mistake and I really hope the eBulgaria-eRomania relations will improve in the future. I know you all understand me as it was actually your people that suffered the most for these mistakes. Your president proved to be incapable to perform his duties and that is the first and the last thing I have to say as a congressmen in your country.