Impeach the President? No! Impeach Congress? Yes?

Day 479, 08:50 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

First off, I do not support Sam or much of what he stood for, and even less in how he has carried it out. Yes he screwed up badly...but SO far all he has done is waste a lot of money (and we have gotten a lot of experiences and lessons learned from if we can repel or stop the invasion of our country, it might have been worth it)....being conservative I do not like that...but in RL I am completely against Obama and he is wasting LOTS of money and I would be against impeaching Obama for least until 2012 (election). So I say lets impeach him on April 5th...or let the people do it on April 5th. Besides, to be technical...I think impeachment is like an indictment, THAN you go to trial in the senate...but we do not have one so I guess we do it all at once.

Meanwhile, Congress, which I am a member of, has screwed up royally also. Now since there are more than 26 people needed to approve anything and I only have twenty three things to point (ten fingers, ten toes, two elbows and a nose) with to put the blame on, I will gladly put myself among Congress in this list of screw ups...even though I was either not here for the vote or voted against it...besides until now, I have not proposed any solutions or changes, so if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I am attempting to become part of the solution.

So here is a list of crimes committed by Congress.

Approved War without requiring a Mission or Purpose Statement nor without allocating/limiting money for the war...if the President went beyond that stated purpose we do not fund it. Any request for declaration of war should have a funding/weapons request and the standard to which we declare victory.

Approving PANEC (in general in my view, but I am trying to keep this non partisan) without requiring oversight and proper control over expenditures. As in REAL LIFE, without restrictions, the more government has to spend the more it will spend. No more blank checks to the President. (See above in request for Declarations of War).

I just saw I will add not coming up with a National Security Policy as outlined here:

Thirdly, and this is the worst...focusing on impeaching the President, and doing NOTHING to prepare for the defense of our Nation. My father always says, "Son, you can only control yourself, so instead of focusing on what others are doing or not doing, just focus on YOU doing the right thing." So while we bicker, the country burns...literally. Learn from the past, but currently I am focused on the present and future and the defense of this ecountry comes before any impeachment distraction. We could be attacked in 24/48 hours and impeachment will do NOTHING to change that. I wish to know if Sam is preparing for our defense...such as do we know which allies will help us? If it is a multi prong attack do we have contigencies on how to handle it? Is Congress doing what it can to help...with or without Sam's guidance? The answer to the last one is NO!!!!!

So using Alphamega outline as an idea machine, I think we should be doing the following IMMEDIATELY, and will be preparing a Proposal as soon as I am done writing this. (I have to research how to do that properly first).

Immediately cut Import and VAT taxes on weapons. The cheaper they are the better. Once war is over or industry catches up, then replace them (and maybe even increase VAT so it helps pay for the starting of wars...espeically training wars)
Authorize as needed, the authority to borrow money needed to fully fund the military to defend the country.
Appoint a VP or request Sam does to act as liaison to Congressional leadership.
See how quickly SADD can come up with the coding for communication as mentioned by Alpha.

Questions to be considered. Would it help or hurt (add to confusion) if we promote to everyone joining the military (through the media and shouts?). Anything else as Congress we need to do NOW to help in the crisis?

I will now make a formal proposal on the cutting taxes...and the Authorization to borrow money (from whom to whom is what I do not know? How detailed does it need to be...amount or purpose...specific from whom or leave it open...specific on interest rate...and then once borrowed who controls it).

If Congress does not act NOW to help defend this Country...impeach CONGRESS...if Sam does nothing to defend the country...impeach SAM...but AFTERWARDS, Congress needs to exactly what is an impeachable offense...being incompetent and screwing up and wasting money is by itself not impeachable...because on eRep and real life...that is what MOST politicians seem to do. But being incompetent and screwing up and losing our native territory...impeach EVERYONE involved.

I know my views might cost me votes in the next election, but as my father would convince me, I rather do what I believe is right, then do what I believe will make me popular. I think it is TERRIBLY unwise do be invaded during an impeachment vote while Congress has not done ANYTHING to defend the country.

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