III: One Epic Fail

Day 1,542, 13:39 Published in USA USA by Alexander Roderick IV

Day 1,542
War Report 3 Months After
Feburary 9, 2012
Eagle Republik News

This following comic was created by yours truly.

So if you haven't heard already there is a new alliance in eRepublik. Yes, all the wiped proONE countries have banned together to create a new alliance called EPIC. And yes, it will be an EPIC FAILURE.
The creation of this new alliance leaves this writer scratching his head...

EPIC countries include the wiped, or in process of being wiped for the upteenth time, nations: Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Pakistan, Slovakia, Thailand, Venezuela.

Seriously? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that wiped nations banning together doesn't really change much at this stage of war when their parent alliance ONE is still struggling to keep their regions.
The focus of this alliance will be to provide financial support for each country as well as regaining territories things that they individually have not done well.

So lets check out the EPIC countries real quick 🙂

Rank 236
Treasury: 104 .82 GOLD 852547 .06 MXN
Citizens: 1464
Regions: 0

New Zealan😛
Rank 52
Treasury: 195 .99 GOLD 307440 .28 NZD
Citizens: 516
Regions: 3

Rank 232
Treasury: 0 .52 GOLD 306464 .31 PYG
Citizens: 1004
Regions: 0

Rank 227
Treasury: 92 .11 GOLD 233443 .60 PKR
Active citizens: 381
Regions: 0

Rank 32
Treasury: 104 .28 GOLD 48995 .66 SKK
Citizens: 486
Regions: 7

Rank 55
Treasury: 29 .5 GOLD 68946 .52 THB
Citizens: 491
Regions: 5

Rank 235
Treasury: 17 .20 GOLD 273387 .80 VEB
Citizens: 858
Regions: 0

...So 7 nations that together only own 12 territories. eUS by itself has 60 territories. EPIC together has 544.42 gold stored. eCanada has 765.73.

As you can see it will be extremely hard for this alliance to accomplish anything with such huge disadvantages. Which is why I and many others are wondering why even create it? I guess time will tell but for now EPIC alliance is an EPIC fail.

War Report, 3 Months After:
So basically the world looked like this a few months ago...

TEDEN in green One and friends in Red

But now it's looking like this!

LOL. \O/



Shout this if you are a true TEDEN supporter!

o7... Also happy Black History Month for all the dark skinned brothers out there. 😉

Girl of The Day


Join Eagle Republik next time for something special 🙂!

Till next time... Stay Awesome eAmerica!

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