If you are reading this, then you are the resistance.

Day 492, 08:17 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

Two days ago, my words bayed loudly, declaring that all South Africans should prepare for a tide of Brazilian aggression after the elections. I said to quit your jobs and to scramble into the arms manufacturing industry. I said to buy your weapons and your food now. I said bring your friends, for the fight that could start tomorrow will be one so terrible that you will need all the help you can have.

And then, yesterday, South Africans came to the poles, and defeated the Brazilian take over.

Congratulations, South Africa. You’ve earned it. You’ve taken what was almost certainly a PEACE backed attempt to rob your nation of its diamond producing regions, and you trumped that pack of rabid mutts. You sent them packing back to their dens, yelping all the way like the whelps and pups that they are.

But do not think the war is finished. More than likely, you will face a similar, more directed, and much more serious threat next month. What occurred here, this time, was so inept that it was laughable. Make no mistake. PEACE is good at what it does. And what it does is war, in all its forms.

Most likely, within in the next few days, I will be leaving South Africa. I have both a desire to see the New World, and to fight to raise my experience, wellness, and rank. I made South Africa my first stop because I felt my presence here could be helpful. I feel it was, even if only just barely so. But let me leave you with these words, my friends.

Prepare for war.

Few nations in all of eRepublik have suffered under PEACE forces as South Africa has. You nation is a testament to the strength of will that you all possess. I came here, worried that I would have to marshal efforts for a defense. I was so impressed and so happy to find out that I would not be a leader, but merely another soldier ready to do and die. South Africans have a strength I have never seen in my short time in The New World.

But that strength will be sorely pressed if it is asked to stand up to the wrath of a full blown PEACE attack. Seek your allies now. I endorse ATLANTIS, if only because it isn’t PEACE. Make no mistake; ATLANTIS has its flaws, but it is a strong counterpoint to the rabid, incoherent goals of PEACE.

Neutrality is a valuable commodity, and, should you, as South Africans, decide you wish to avoid entanglement in the current conflict between the two alliances, I still urge you to find nations that will stand with you incase you are attacked. Romania, Spain and America come to mind. Please, send envoys to them. Discuss pacts with these nations. In the end, the only thing the nations of PEACE recognize is martial ability, and having allies like those I mention will keep those mongrels beyond the light cast by your fires!

It would be easy to discard this advice as the ramblings of just another American dead set against PEACE. I have never made any attempt to hide or disguise my distain for PEACE, and, I have in several forums and in across various medias, that PEACE should not only be killed, but should be prevented from rising in any similar form.

But, I would think, that in South Africa, my words might hold a spark of wisdom. Your’s is the nation that has withstood a terrible onslaught by Indonesia. You are the people who have managed, through a sheer force of will, to keep your regions in the face of indomitable opposition.

If you are reading this, then you are the resistance.

It is you who has stood against PEACE, and it is you who holds the terrible experience that the rest of the world fears. That experience will prove invaluable to them, however, and the New World will come to realize, soon enough, that the veterans of this take over, of the resistance wars in the Northern Cape, and of the struggles against Indonesia are exactly the sort of men that they need when plotting the death of PEACE.

Do not turn them away when they come. For you will have so much to show and to teach them.

Death to PEACE. In their homes, and around the world.