IDF Official Release

Day 630, 16:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by Top Gun

Howdy Folks,

As you have undoubtedly seen,there has been a lot of talk about dis-organisation lately and alas it is true,but steps are being made to fix the problem.
We do have the basic steps in place,and CO's will be contacted shortly with instructions.

There will be notice when these messages have been sent out,so if your not on the official roster,you will know when you haven't received a message.

You may also have seen the resignation of Chief Of Staff Grainne Ni Mhaille.
Gordongekko has recently been appointed to fill her role.
CO's should be in contact with him should you have any problems,questions or suggestions.

Onto Greece:


Everyone should move to the highest quality hospital if they have not already done so.
This region is The Northeast which has a Q5 hospital.

When do I get to Fight?

You will be able to fight in Greek Battles once Turkey attacks an Original Greek Region.
Battle Orders will be issued via Newspaper when this happens.

Orders when That Happens?

Only fight and heal to 100 wellness,this way you maximise your productivity when you work, and do more damage in future fights.
So once you log on next,check to see if we can fight.If you can,then fight and heal,only then should work and train.In that order exactly.
See here on what to,depending on which region you live in.

Also read this article by the anti-Vyse.
But note some links are now out of Date.

Any questions should be directed to me by PM or by asking in this article.
COs watch your inbox!

Top Gun