I Would Like to Apply for the Position of Country President

Day 1,159, 11:16 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy
Greetings eSingapore I am logan Dunleavy. I'm sure most of you know me or have seen me around the IRC chat.

As you know my fellow citizens eSingapore is in a time of peril, we have seen that our once trusted friends such as Malaysia can be hijacked by a tyranical and rogue leader who can turn them aganist us.

Our nation is slowly slipping into inactivity and debt. This inactivity can be seen just recently when our nation was attacked. When we were attacked we had no military to defend us. Although out of that war our nation has come stronger and closer as a people.

It is now more then ever in times like this that our nation needs strong, trusted and proven leadership who can propel our nation into a time of strength, stability and peace. That is why I, logan Dunleavy am hereby announcing my intentions to seek the position of President of the Republic of eSingapore.

ABC has been a great president and shown extrordinary skills in leading this nation, but now his term is drawing to a close and I wish to step up and fill his boots, so to speak. ABC has got Singapore to start walking again after Woshie got her back on her feet. I intend to make her start running.

If elected I promice to enact reforms that will bolster our nations active population and military. Under my leadership our nation can grow and become stronger as a whole.

Reforms: (In breif, a full length article about my reforms will be out closer to the election)

If elected we will reestabilsh a functioning military. I will personaly take a strong hand in seeing this happen. A new Singapore military will deploy to assist our allies, such as Ireland, Canada, Austria and other nations who have shown that they are our true friends when then sent their armies to defend us aganist invasion.
This new military force, under my personal orders will be asked to meet a 5 deployment quota in my term. Our units will be given the option to work in government communes that will allow us to deploy them with the guns and food they need to fight.

I'm the first to admit I'm not the best with the economy in eRepublik but under my presidency I will bring together a panel of experts to advise me on how to manage the national eonomy and taxes. As I see it now Singapore's economoy is in good shape, we have decent wages, a stable currency price and gold ratio exchange.
Our national economy has been worse and with the addition of Pennsular Malaysia and it's resources we are able to gain new revenue from.

Singapore as you know has a small population and an even smaller active one. We will bring about a ministry of fun whos sole function will be to hold games, contests and raffles to make people interested in playing. This will also bring a bit of money to the nation as people will have to pay a small fee to enter the games and such.
The ministry of fun has shown to be a great success in nations like the eUS.

Now I'm sure some of you may be asking, well what makes you qualified to be president?'
My answer to that is simple, have a look at my qualifications.


I have served as ambassador to the eUS from eSingapore for months in a row in the past.

I have been a Congressmember in Singapore 3 times in the past.

I have been party president of two diffrent parties here in eSingapore.

I have served as an advisor to several presidents of eSingapore.

I have served as Minister of Defense and commander of eSingapores armed forces.

In the eUS I served in Congress 4 terms.

In the eUS I served as ambassador to eIreland.

I was member of SEAL Team 6.

Durning the invasion of eSingapore I was able to secure the support of the Irish military for our defense.

I was involved in the peace talks between eSignapore and eMalaysia just recently.

I have also served as many other things and to list them all would take too long.

Vice President:

I would now like to introduce you to my pick for Vice President. Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you scotty.
Scotty is a hard working and strong willed person. He has been a member of Congress, and is the current minister of security here in eSingapore.
If I am elected you know you will have a great and hard working vice president.

So my fellow Singaporeans on the 5th I ask you to please cast your vote for logan Dunleavy. For strong, stable leadership and a strong stable Singapore!