I Was Going TO Keep It A Secret

Day 573, 10:24 Published in Philippines Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

But I couldn't be bothered. Basically this is how it goes.

1) The eUK paid for me to run for PP (See my donations list) I was re-reimbursed
2) I take over this party
3) Loads of British/American/Romanians move over here
4) We totally win Congress elections
5) We win the Presidential elections
6) The USA attacks
7) I retreat, the USA take the Philippines
😎 The Ex-ATLANTIS countries make one final push against Indo, whilst Sweden/Poland launch a counter offensive

I was going to follow orders and keep this a secret, but the British government keeps changing it's mind and being so Hypocritical, I really can't be bothered anymore to do their dirty work for them.
Vote this up so people know what to expect.

EDIT- I have since been sacked from my government position just for exposing the truth about our government's dealings. This is the last in the line of banning and removal of threads from the eUK forums of topics and people that speak out against our government.

Disclaimer- This article is Satire