I Want Everybody To Succeed

Day 1,564, 13:50 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

I want everybody to succeed and do well which is why I am taking this short moment of my life to reflect...

I want to tell you that even in this game and in whatever you do, you should make sure that you achieve your goals and look forward into doing great things.
It is not about winning, it is about achieving your goal and doing everything you can. To know that you did absolutely everything you could do in order to achieve your goals and know you did not let your friends down.

I think if we only take the time of day and just do our best every minute of our lives, we will never regret anything. The greatest satisfaction in the world... is to look into the mirror and say to yourself "I did my best, and I'm darn proud I did".I will do my best and keep going every day, step by step and get to my goal.