I&W, the program

Day 612, 13:20 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

Iron and Wine is the oldest and one of the most respected parties in the eUnited Netherlands, we have always been open and always we know when it is the right time for change. We have some very good and active members who proved this country their service over and over again, with their high quality of work and high commitment. Even though Iron and Wine isn’t the biggest party in members we have been in all governments of the eNetherlands and eUnited Netherlands so far!

Last month our party wasn’t invited for government negotiations, but LSD, BP and GLD asked 2 of our members (Luuklag and Deviltje) to furfill a ministry job. The 2 ministers we delivered for the government did a great job!! Maybe they did a better job then some other government members who came from the parties which anticipated in the government negotiations.

We believe that quality of work and cooperation is a value which is very important for Iron and Wine. We are always trying to find solutions in difficult situations and to find the best compromises.

Foreign Affairs

Iron and Wine is an international oriented party, we would like to maintain this. We have been a member of PEACE GC since it was started. We have build up many good relationships with other countries, which are always ready to protect us, and we would like to maintain this. We wish to improve our relationship with our neighbor, the United Kingdom. We will achieve this through a strong diplomatic relationship. Furthermore Iron and Wine supports the eUNL diplomats within PEACE GC, which do important things to defend the eUNL rights.

Iron and Wine is also open towards other Alliance options in the future, but we will always be loyal to our friends, which are currently members of PEACE GC. Another goal of the Foreign Affairs department would be to involve more people in communication with our friends and allies from all over the world. We would like to achieve this by an embassy program.

Internal Affairs

Health and Information

Another point Iron and Wine will focus on is information. We think that information is essential for people to keep on playing this game.


Iron and Wine thinks that there are too many congress rules at the moment. For example when a donation has to be made to the state companies or to the ministry of defense it will at least 24 hours before the minister can take the money. Iron and Wine will strive to improve the efficiency of congress and reduce the bureaucracy.

There are currently 2 Q5 hospitals in the UNL, Iron and Wine would like to see more Q5 hospitals in the UNL. It would take time and a lot of gold to arrange it, but we think it would make the UNL even a better place to live.


We want the government to let the monetary market stabilise on its own. This way the government saves on gold costs and there is some freedom for individuals to make some profits.

Iron and Wine would like to see a president for the Dutch Bank who takes care of increasing the funds available on the bank, through the Monetary Market.

Even though our party supports a free economy and wages free for the market to decide, we believe there should be a CAO (Collective Employees Agreement), so employees get paid a decent salary. There should also be some state companies in certain areas that can coexist next to private companies. These state companies won't be in competition with other companies on the market.

We believe the state companies should only compete on the market if other countries own monopoly positions.

Why vote Iron and Wine?

- We are one of the oldest and most experienced parties.
- We have alot of talented and experienced members who can efficiently do their jobs.
- Every member, every vote counts for us, you don't need to be part of the elite to be part of Iron and Wine, we accept, and are happy with everybody who joins or votes for us.