I sit down with a Milita CO

Day 1,272, 18:48 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman
The 50 States
An interview with Havocpwn

Havocpwn is the Commander of EZC (Easy Company),(http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/162) and today we sit down with him for an interview.

: first Question

: What is the most stressful thing about being a Milta commander?

: hmm, I'd have to say the running of the commune. If one thing is off everything has to be fixed

: What do you think is the biggest part to having a successful Milta

: That would be loyalty, without it you cannot have a successful militia

: What is the most fun part about being a Milta Commander?

: That would have to be chatting with the members

: What was your biggest achievement thus far being the CO of a Milta

: that would be raising our membership from 15 members to 40, now I didn't do it all alone but I did have to coordinated it

: As the CO of EZC what is your main goal?

: To give a fun and enjoyable environment while still shows our a** kicking side

: showing**

: lol

: What is your advice to anyone who would like to start a Milta?

: hmm give me a moment to think on that

: lol take your time

: First ask yourself if you're committed to it, it's not all fun and games. Also make sure to always balance, recruitment & retention and supplies, if you have to many people and not enough supplies you're f*cked and if it's the other way around it's not that bad but it's a problem

: Well Thanks for taking your time to sit down with me

: anytime, I'm always free.
(Note this interview has been censored)

Soon I will be interviewing a Party Pres. so keep a look out for that issue.

Putting down Spanish rebellion.
US forces spent most of the day putting down Spain’s resistance forces in Castilla y Leon, thanks US forces stationed their they where able to turn back two waves of Spanish forces.

Border Control.

US border control agents and US forces are trying to turn back a Mexican force attacking Texas, while to some of you might be thinking, “Wow Mexico is stupid, how could they possibly take Texas.” But since of all the Spanish Resistance wars, most people may have used there 300health on those two waves of attack, and as I am looking now at 18:39, things aren’t looking to good for the US. But the battle isn’t over yet.

Link of the day: http://vintagraph.com/1950s-design/single-gallery/7247697

Remember this paper does print adds, just e-mail The50States@hotmail.com

Editor: Chris Hartman
Thanks for reading.

E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com