I shot the bird! Pappa, I shot the bird!!

Day 951, 18:17 Published in Latvia Lithuania by HeDas

There was 3 pigeons, almost like one. But one day one of the three pigeons thought that he needs to be bigger than other two and tried to eat smallest. He couldn't... His beak was just too small. Mom didn't liked it and called that son a fool. Although fool did a very foolish move by trying to eat his brother, brothers didn't done anything back to him. They just loved him, cause they spent too much time together before this accident... Fool didn't liked love, because he was a fool, so he tried to run off to eagle. Luckily, brothers catched him and now he is resting locked in the room. Maybe after some time he will value things as it should be...

"I'am a fool. MWUHAHAHAHA. Now I'm in hospital, later I will be back, as soon as they invent cure."