I'm Back [Patti11]

Day 592, 20:22 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hey Australia,

Your (hopefully) beloved ex Prime Minister is back from his 2 week vacation to the Northern Territory. Honestly, I have come back to the game I love so dearly with a lot less passion then I had previously so I am looking for a new project to reinvigorate my interest in eRepublik.


The ADSP, the party I first joined, led and became Prime Minister of doesn't feel like the same old place it used to be to me. I have retired from the party (for now), to become a more critical voice of the executive government, something that was holding me back a bit since ADSP rocks at holding the PM seat.
Another thing which has led to my resignation from the ADSP is the fact of the TBP members in AV's cabinet and TBP's support of the ADSP. The second biggest party supporting the biggest party is laying the ground work for a one party state. In which I would politically takeover this country if that ever happened. ADSP is built on democracy, but to say the least I am disappointed AV accepted the edorsement of TBP and put corny as his deputy. Yes scotywest was my deputy for the last half of my term (he was also TBP) but that was a time when good citizens were few and far between.

So for now, I still hold ADSP members in the highest regard and I am willing to offer my services to them but for now I bid you all farewell.


My ASIO proposal, a spy agency for Australia to give us information and to send trusted citizens on espionage missions is being voted on now in Senate. It is going to get rejected, due to the Senate's bitching about giving one person too much power. I haven't been critical of the Senate as much but making a spy agency transparent is like making a cricket bat without a handle, utterly pointless.

With that, I have decided to make a spy group independent of the Australian government. Whether we share all our information to Australia for free or sell our services will be dependent on the next governments willingness to work with us. I hate to say it Senate, but you brought this on yourselves. Once a spy agency passes in a form which seems acceptable to me my ASIO will disband immediately. An acceptable form is one that has no Senate intervention. Work on it, call me. Is this blackmail? Yes maybe, lifes a bitch, I'm its pimp.


Everything else I do in Australia including Optimus Australia with Ottogustavo and Stary City Casino will still run as per usual. These are my money makers and a man needs income to survive.

Hopefully I will make a return to the executive government next month (not July but August). I may make another bid for the PM seat, but that is still in the early stages and a lot will change in a month.

For those interested in joining ASIO look out for articles by subing to this paper (or a new ASIO org paper) and keeping updated on the Australian forums (or my own forums 😉 ).

For the CP election I will be voting for Xavier Griffith, AV's time will come, but his time isn't now.

Thanks for reading, its good to be back.

ex Prime Minister of Australia (2 terms)
Grand Officer of the Order of Australia
ex Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
ex Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
ex Minister for Finance
ex Minister for Defense
ex Minister for Industry
Proud ex ADSP member
Optimus Australia Co Owner
Stary City Casino Owner