I'll Take You There - Fae for SOS Party President

Day 845, 01:13 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

This has certainly been a wild election. With all the ads, and misleading information within them, I felt I should write up an article concerning my continued presence as your Party President, as well as my stances and history on a variety of Party issues.

The SOS Brigade The Party and Numbers

Since I founded the SOS Brigade months ago with only a handful of members, the SOS Brigade has continued to stand for high levels of Activity in eJapan. We hold ourselves up to having fun, and playing the game the best we can no matter how we do it. This is an ideal I love and wish to work hard to Maintain.

I have worked hard to build up our numbers to the current 71. We have active recruiting programs for members of eJapan who have not yet picked a party to join, and Mentoring programs available for new players who are not yet at level to join the party. Any member is allowed to join and details are on our forum and available if requested.

The SOS Brigade is always actively recruiting, and our hard work has paid off. In less than a year we have more members in our ranks than parties under a more stable system were able to achieve in their duration. We are ranked third, just behind parties that have historically had 100+ members since our founding, and we are catching up.

I hope that before we hit our one year anniversary that we will be able to break that 100 member marker, and I hope that you will continue to let me work hard towards that goal.

Activity, Activites, and a Proven Track Record

One of the SOS Brigade's main ideals is that everyone in eJapan is actively playing the game in a way that is fun and making the most of the game. A community cannot survive without ways to engage with each other that are outside the norm and not limited to congress.

Since our founding I have hosted a variety of events: National to eJapan, specific to the party, and with other parties.

These events have been everything from talking to members with newspapers and inviting them on 20/2 (202 SOS) to publish articles about the SOS Brigade to celebrate our party, to article writing contests, and the most recent SOS Gift Day Event.

I have worked hard and delivered quality events with support for those participating, and insurance that the event follows through to the best of my ability.

I am, as I have always been, open to ideas from members as they have had them. I have even helped a few members with planning out their own events in the past. I love it when people are active and work hard in SOS for activity, and give dues to everyone who has ever assisted with a single event.

In the future as your Party President I look foreword to being able to host more events, and seeing participation levels like I saw during the SOS Gift Day.

I hope that I will continue to remain your party president so that I can plan on hosting an SOS sponsored Gift Day for all of Japan. The event was a huge success in participation, and I would love to see that level of turn out again. It really shows how active and connected our community is.

I am even excited about the new activity in eRepublik and figuring out the new economic and happiness system in order to find new activities and holidays we can pursue as a party.

Transparent and Always There for You

Since founding the SOS Brigade I have sent out PMs to the entire party always working hard to ensure that, even if you don't get on the forums or IRC, that you are kept in the loop on what is going on with the Brigade, and that your voice is heard.

As our party grows this task becomes gradually more complicated, but I hardly mind. I feel that through PMs I am best able to talk with each and every one of you on a personal level. I am able to get feedback on ideas, positions on candidates for president, remind you and help organize where members can run for congress....

And just be there should any problem arise at all.

My PM box is always open and I do my best to reply quickly to all messages. I am well versed in helping players solve problems and I will continue to be there for my party should any of you need me.

Fae for SOS Party President

A Party President isn't only a representative, they are a leader and a mentor to new members. They work hard to keep the party active and striving to new goals. They create a flow of communication, and ensure that every member is heard. They uphold the values of the party, old and new, and are always there for the party, no matter what. They even encourage new players to strive for higher goals, to learn, and grow.

As your Party President I feel I have upheld these roles and responsibilities, and even gone above and beyond to make sure that I am being the very best Party President you all can have.

SOS means a lot to me. I feel this party is worth the great investment of time I have put into it and would like to continue to put into it. I only want what is best for it.

I hope that you all think carefully about both candidates, ignore the negative ads, and vote for whomever you feel will do the best leading SOS into the future of eRepublik.

Thank you,
