I'll be back!!

Day 945, 02:13 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

Hello everyone, I have sad news. I'm not running for Congress this month as I have no time to do so. I only hope that what happened last year doesn't repeat itself (keep the frenchies where they belong!). I hope to come back to a striving eCanada, just as I left it.

I will however be running for congress in V2, so if anyone else is a beta tester don't forget to vote for me in Ontario!! 😃 This will require less time as Beta lacks of people and is just a test. I'm not leaving yet as I have my Congressional and Speakership term to finish and I will still be around for two more weeks but after that you guys will see me very rarely until the end of August.

I know, I know you're really sad, but not to worry. I'll be back!!

Yours Truly,