I Have Returned

Day 648, 13:58 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

Hello, people of Austria, today I have returned to the nation that I call home. Hmmm you may thnk- he just left. All will be explained now; here is a breif summary of my troubled time in the philippines:

I arrived in the philippines; got a job; applied for citizenship; the usuall proceedure. However, to my most displesure I was forced to wait almost a week for citizenship. When my citizenship was granted many partys offered thier selves to me- after some condideration the filipino progressive movement seemed to be the outstanding party- i hate to say i was totally and utterly wrong, wrong and wrong again.

My first act as a congress men was to grant many people fillipino citizenship , as i had waited so long for mine . Shcokinly another congress man, and the vice president of FPM, a goon named Reculsive Monkey contaced me statoing that i had breached a rule on acceptingcitizens - as it turned out there was a rule - the congress had to vote on the forums to see if the player should be granted citizenship. Wouldn't you tell new congress men that there was a regulation? I certianly would have done. A breach in the rules was just waiting to happen.

Reculsive Monkey accused me of being, " rounge congress man" which i clearly am not, in addition when i replied to him explaining that i did not know about that rule , sai that i was "childish", amongst other things. Finally he said that the party and the government would no longer support me; therefore it was not in my best interests to continue living there. So here i am back at home.

For those who don't know me, here is quick bio i wrote when i moved to the Philippines explain what i have done in erepublik.

Hi am Arthur Reynolds,

I have recently arrived in Austria, from the Philippines:

I am origenly from the UK, in erepublik, and real world. When in Britain I was part of the Forward Britian Party. Whilst there I gained a seat in the congress in the West Midlands reigon.

Things were going along smoothly, next a close friend of mine Primeminister Keogh contacted me stating: that he had moved to Austria, sett up a workers council and joined The Peoples Socilist Party. Soon after arriving in Austria, a countery that was being rebuilt after being crushed by war, I was appointed media director of the PSP; which was still a young party. My next clossal stride forward proceeded when I was in stated as a congress man for the reigion of Stryia, the capital of Austria.

During my frist mandate i proposed a tax change on food, that the congress accepted, lowering the imcome and import taxes for food; i belive that this laws still stands today. The PSP was delt a major blow when PM Keogh went inactive- and reamins that way now- leaving the party in my hands as i was Vice President. Meanwihle I raetained my status as a congress member for Stryia.

I felt that i was doing a farily good job as vice president of the PSP(Peoples Socialist Party); therefore I decided to go for Party President.Unfortunetly sucsess did not come my way; even more tragic was the fact that the inactive Langer86 Triamphed, leaving the party soaked in inactivity ice cold hands.

Then came the Philipinnes. Now am back were i belong, in Austria. As of get uncertianly sweeps over me - one thing is for sure it won't be the PSP.