I am the Opposition of the Opposition

Day 825, 10:18 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
I am the Opposition of the Opposition

Greetings to all,

This is a direct response to the party president of the Opposition Party, Gregoriew123's articles as it appears he does not respond to comments. Now, Gregoriew123 is "leading an army" of about five others Gregoriew123 was not heard of around eAustria which brings me to one of his recent comments.

"I won't tell you about mult... ummmm... You-Know-Who in this party because I don't have any good proofs!"

Thirty-One subscribers to your newspaper, and so many votes? eAustria does not that many active players and others wouldn't be able to reach your newspaper, unless you advertise every single one of your articles.in a different eCountry. And you indirectly accused NFA of multikeying? Members in your party do not post articles frequently or even comments as a matter of fact. (Hai Metallon 😁).

"This guy is terrifying. Being a congress member, party president is not enough for him. Nowadays he run for presidency. We all knew that he's too ambitions to resign from it, he will try to be president with any cost."

My response to this was the following

I wont tell you how dumb some certain Gregoriew is.

Seriously though, by posting that comment you are saying that all other great eRepublik politicians are also "terrifying". It seems like you're such a newbie to eRepublik that it appears to you as though KaiserA is the only person to be a Congress member and Party President then run for Country President.

Elaborating on that, our current president has been a Congress member and Party President. Let's see what you said about Oraizan.

"Somebody in goverment start thinking and create Food Company, it's nice move.!"

Mhm? Any reason for not being open to Kaiser Alex giving this position a shot?

"NFA is full of bad politicians"

You have yet to answer me on how I am a bad politician. I started off in eAustria as a member of the OIP went from there to SP and had a partial run with IA. After the war, I decided to join NFA. I bet if I leave the NFA I wouldn't be a bad politician anymore, eh? 😁

"N.F.A do everything to takeover government rights"
"Good save us all"

Just to document someone's fail...

Ciel Phantom