I am the Irish Ambassador to Finland, I will fullfil my duty to Finland! TO WAR!

Day 712, 15:41 Published in Finland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
As a Ambassador i was told to mingle, and make friends. That is what i have done. I enjoy chatting to you all on IRC and have grown to love my position as Irish Ambassador to Finland.

Now the question i asked myself when i saw Russia attacked finland.

Would you help a friend in a fight?

Yes!, i will fight for my friends!

I believe its my duty as Ambassador to fight for Finland!

How can i be a Ambassador to a country that may be overun?


I am a Celtic Warrior

I am a celtic warrior, you will feel my fury.

I see you cower behind your sheilds,
I smell the stench of fear flowing underneath your armour.
Your blood will soon cover all the fields,
My sword will be hacking foreverafter.

I am a celtic warrior, you will feel my fury.

I wear no armour like the murdering foes,
My courage is my armour,
Feel my thundering sword blows,
I do not fear you cowardly enemy

I am a celtic warrior, you will feel my fury.

Pain is no distration i will fight to the end,
You Russians will feel my power,
My blows you will fail to defend,
Your banner i will apprehend.

I am a celtic warrior, you will feel my fury.

I will fight for my friends and allies,
I will not feel threatened by your size,
My aim is your demise.
I will make sure their army dies!

I am a celtic warrior, you will feel my fury.

To Oulu i now depart,
I will join the fight inland,
Their ranks i will tear apart,

Written by Niall H

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
EX-Congressman of Saoise
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland
IDF Chief of Guard
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico
