I am Running for Congress in FreeState for SAL

Day 826, 15:02 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
Hello eSouth Africa,

I, SamGibz, will be running under SAL in FreeState these coming Congress Elections. I am the current Minister of Information and a highly active individual. I very much agree with SAL's view and do my best to make sure they are given in congress. I have been a Congress Member for 2 terms previously and have enjoyed such a privilege immensely. I am a safe candidate who will represent you in government and I, as all Congress Members, strive to see the eSA go from strength to strength.

Things that I would like to see from government is the expansion of our Military, a further population growth, to encourage further business development within the eSA (These new Modules will hopefully be able to benefit the eSA) and to try rid government of negativity. I very much believe we all need to work together under one banner that shows our message.

So vote SamGibz in FreeState! – I don’t let you down.


Minister of Information
Ambassadors to eUK and eFrance
Former Commanding Officer
Former Director of Education