Day 503, 00:36 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

(Edit: As said in previous articles, this "gossip rag" is meant for entertainment purposes only. 😠 Anyone taking us seriously really should have their heads checked. I can check a timestamp as well as anyone else AND I know the Finnish are part of ATLANTIS. I understand very well the political reasons why it was done. It's meant to be a satire. I can satirize my own political group too, darn it all! 😛)

Hungarian Vampires Pillage Norway's Fair Fjords, Give Booty to the Finnish

Our top news... no, our only news, dear readers, is the results of the Presidential election and the results thereof. Just minutes ago... minutes ago... after the results of the Presidential election were finalized, the Finnish attacked. Our new "president", a vampire communist... the worst kind of vampire, retreated in the face of blue Finnish crosses effectively giving our land away!

We Vikings are not going to stand for this. The editor of this magazine implores all true Norweigans and ATLANTIS members to help rid fair Norway of the scourge of vampires any way possible!