Huey George for CP - Strength and Continued Strategic Direction

Day 6,010, 22:42 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Hello Reader

A successful last term💕

🔥Together we have raised our training war stack to 18 \o/, representing years of collective effort to find opportunities to increase our stack of training wars to enable us to optimise our rank growth and earn rewards through battles.

💣We raised 2 epics in just 2 days for #Springbreak to help us earn plenty of #Springcoins, fostering more active participation in a rare weekly challenge to earn Prestige Points (PP) and the host of additional rewards on offer during the event. In the past 12 months we've raised 22 Epics together at no expense to the tax payer.

💰Our national reserves are abundant and distributed fairly, rewarding effort, recognising need, and supporting those most committed to rank growth. Long-term we have transitioned from discussing what to fund to strategising how to distribute funds after a long period of sustained wealth growth.

The UK remains a place where any player with three core attributes of determination, active energy pool / account management and a supportive government can find success

🗳 Our engaging democracy continues to thrive, ensuring thoughtful participation from our citizens.

💪 Our Tactical Assessment and Readiness Exercises have improved coordination, with four military units participating in a 2nd TARE together.

🚦We've clarified our Fighting Guidelines in United Kingdom Training Wars to better assist UK players, our MPPs, TW partners, and players worldwide.

A strategic vision delivering outcomes

During April, under our current programme of player reward schemes last month a “normal or newer” UK player focused on Air Rank growth could have received £130,000cc in support or a UK player focused on Ground Rank growth could have received £29,878.05cc 625 Q7 weapons or a player could have received a combination of both.

81 players received government support in April, averaging around 75k in support and 296 Q7 Weapons per UK player. Additionally, players had 17 training wars open and opportunities to participate in UK Epics in the Air and Division IV.

With UK players earning 287 Campaign Hero Medals, 8,605 Battle Hero Medals and 3,804 Sky Hero Medals

The facts are we as a collective group are doing very well. Our shared vision remains clear “individual prowess and achievement, collective agreement, and unwavering government support dedicated to player advancement.

The optimisation of Military and Aircraft Ranks remains crucial for our nation's prosperity, and my government is committed to propelling us forward in this regard.”

This strategy is supported by our proven neutral and considerate foreign affairs approach that continues to perform strongly for the UK. The eUK’s current diplomatic situation can still be described as strong for where we want to be at the moment. We are at peace with no major threats and potential alliances.

We are doing great as a country and there is lots to look forward to in the term ahead so once again I ask for your support to continue as your Country President \o/

The term ahead💎

Player support

Our players will continue to be supported through the Christmas Air Programme, Air Cadet Programme, British Armed Forces Q7 Weapon Rewards Scheme, and National Giveaways. These programs are diligently administered, providing tangible benefits to our citizens.

Our holistic approach is not just about strategy; it's about empowering our citizens. Our initiatives pave the way for more active participation in Weekly Challenge to earn Prestige Points (PP) including the special Weekly Challenge events. It's also not just about optimising ranks; it's about having fun—the very essence of the game.

Ensuring every citizen is an empowered participant in our nation's success is paramount. The UK remains an optimal place for rank growth under my leadership, and with players often proving it's never too late to catch up.

We are doing great \o/ Let’s keep it up!

Finance and Military Funding

Our current player base is largely self-sufficient and affluent, and new players joining the game with only a bit of time, effort and support can get into a stable and growing financial position and if you are active with your energy pool management you can and many players do reach minimal weekly targets for kills / rank growth at little cost.

As a reminder in the current market conditions a player can earn more than 40,000cc a week and with a Q1 house active this can be doubled.

It remains optimal to support those who are exceeding minimal kill / rank growth targets especially those who do / may have an energy bar burn rate which player support schemes will never comprehensively support but can somewhat support the personal effort.

This remains the way to empower our citizens to grow their ranks and improve their accounts so the UK can remain the bright, vibrant and active community we are, with a freedom of choice in an Erepublik world dominated by the military module.

The current mechanisms for oversight to ensure transparency and prevent favouritism will remain in place for all finance and military funding decisions.

Let's keep funding fair and public oversight and transparency high

Economic, Military and Foreign influence growth

Our tax revenue from our training war partners will continue to be returned. Our monetary market activity should continue to generate additional revenue beyond our taxable income. We should ensure our important regions for producers will remain free. Our "spare" resources will be part of concession agreements at this moment with Spain.

We’ve had a long-term strategy aimed at enhancing productivity in Scotland by extending invitations to and hosting a nation offering a 200% weapons bonus to the region. My Government will maintain this strategy.

For a country of our size, the UK is in excellent financial health. We use our extra revenue to generate further funds from the monetary market. We can afford and run an array of player support schemes that promote rank growth, retain players, and keep players engaged.

My government commitment to continuous monitoring and adjustment of economic strategies to address evolving challenges and opportunities will remain steadfast.

Our neutral and considerate strategy has served us well for a number of years. Government will look to maintain and enhance this via partnerships. We are a well-respected country and training war partner. There is a long list of countries who would very much like to visit the UK for a training war and never before have we been invited so often as guests in other countries as TW partners.

My government has worked well with other government on numerous occasions to bring raise epics for the UK and counter issues caused by the Vive la resistance! This will continue.

On Training wars, my Government will continue to manage and where possible grow (if viable) our training war stack. These will continue to be administered to the highest of standards required of our citizens and partners.

Our nation's military strength and overall prosperity has never been higher as a direct result of our long-standing training war strategy.

Together we can preserve a strong robust, fair, and beneficial economy

Call for support

As always I would like to invite individuals from our community to join me and form a government with me. The success of any administration lies in the strength of its team, and I am opening the doors for applications to key roles in my cabinet. If you are passionate about contributing to the growth and prosperity of the UK, I encourage you to apply. Together, we will form a dedicated team committed to the betterment of our beloved country.

Provisional Government

Wingfield will continue in a player support/communication, finance and statistical analysis role for Government

THE EMPRAH will continue to support on defence matters where required

I am grateful for the support I receive 💕, enabling us to steadily progress towards our shared vision for the UK.

Based on my experience, listening to the UK citizenry, being responsive and responsible, and doing our best to earn their trust are crucial. This is how elections are won.

If elected, I will continue to prioritise player support, economic activities, and military and aircraft rank growth. I will ensure the high standards of our training wars and support schemes are maintained

I would also emphasise my government's commitment to transparency, accountability, and good governance practices. MoD and MoF reporting provide clear mechanisms in place for public scrutiny, enabling all to audit government activity, and opportunities for citizen feedback and participation.

Additionally, I would underscore my government's responsiveness to concerns raised by citizens will continue.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to continuing to serve the best interests of our citizens if elected again.

Thanks for reading
Huey George
Candidate for Country President
eUnited Kingdom