HuCard's Candidature in Nova Scotia

Day 673, 08:39 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

For a second time, I shall run for congress as a member of the DAL, this time in Nova Scotia.

First things first, if you have disapprovingly noticed my recent inactivity on the forums and IRC, they rooted in once an exhausting infection including fever, and just as I was cured of it I discovered I have to write a few exams at school that I originally expected to be scheduled the following week so I quickly had to devour the material of 2-3 weeks of missed classes in a single day twice. Soon however I will be done with them all and thus have more time again to fulfil all my duties.

These past few weeks have been most successful ones for Canada, and I hope that during the next month we will be able to expel Hungary from our remaining occupied lands and this entire continent; it would surprise me if the Russian and French troops were able to hold their frail positions any longer.
But what will come after this? Once the world war is over, even if most borders will have been restored, the political structure of the world will have changed. We have become a part of EDEN as have quite a few others opposed to PEACE's recent actions, although the latter too has grown. The many wars caused an influx of new players all around the world and once the new population matures the power balance might shift into yet unknown directions.

Unfortunately, we will probably not become a major player any time soon, as our population and strength are still lacking. As a part of EDEN, "bros" of the U.S.A., and a confident and courageous nation ourselves we will probably not have to worry about our safety for the time being. However, solely relying on our allies forever cannot be a viable solution.
These current times, our options in foreign politics are richer and more plentiful than ever before. We could motion for invasions of our former oppressors like France or the United Kingdom in acts of revenge, shut ourselves in and fortify (no pun intended) North America, or start negotiations with a variety of nations around the world to form new bonds wherever our open hands can reach. And it is my opinion that we should choose the latter option.

Canada has for long had the reputation of a very peaceful and friendly nation. Numerous times before and during this war she has proven to be a most loyal and reliable ally, and we have a few friends even outside the boundaries of our alliances. I think that we should use this to serve as a global mediator, a nation to reach out to others to form new friendships, to gain other for the causes of peace and justice, and to make this eWorld a more pleasant one.
There are many smaller countries caught between the fronts not desiring to side with either of the two major factions, we could become a protector of some of theirs. PEACE is starting to show a cracks, widening between its members; we could be the ones to gain the people wanting to leave this criminal alliance, not by forcing a stake into the rifts to forcefully break them apart, but to gently reach out to them to show them that they would not be as hapless as a stranded fish but welcomed by open arms if they were to switch allegiances.
People in Russia and France for example have on occasions voiced discontent with their alliance, and other states like Italy may also feel betrayed or merely not pleased. Instead of threatening them all by swearing revenge and nourishing hatred, I am deeply convinced that it should be our job to forgive and encourage them to burst the chains PEACE laid them into. At least once they are out of the U.S.A. again, with respect to that country.

As for our economy, I assume once we recover all our territories it would be desirable to impose protective taxes onto goods we can locally produce to fuel the rebuilding of our industries. I will be frank to admit however that this is an aspect of eRepublik I am not that into, as my primary interest and passion lies in the pleasures of diplomacy.

I made this article to long and forgot if I still wanted to say something else. Whatever, please vote me on the 25th if you're in Nova Scotia! For a prideful and open Canada!