How to win more tokens easily in the national tournament - Soldiers of Fortune

Day 2,777, 01:25 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

The top 5 killers are promised an award of 10,8,6,4,3 tokens each. The approximate number of kills in a typical battle will look like 500,499,250,175,100. (Just my guess)

Plusses if you already have/can afford Houses, Bazookas, Fast energy recovery and Energy bars. Try not to use any other kind of weapons. Only Bazooka fights!! Ask for gold loan/help just like me. (Loan/Help me 😛)

Strategy 1: Aim for 3rd place. (If you aim for 3rd place, you will end up at 4th or 5th place) Also as you can see, the number of kills required is approximately 3-5 times smaller than finishing at the top. Ending up at 5th place in 5 battles (15 tokens) is easier than winning in a battle(10 tokens). But to do this, you have to hit only at the final minutes of the battles just like stealing BH.

Strategy 2: If you can't login for long but have more resources, find the rarest battle and aim for 1st place. Hit slightly/very hard at the start of a battle if possible, so that your energy recovery can help you. If you hit very hard, it'll scare stealers. But there is a huge risk involved in this strategy. So you should have 2xResources in stock than you expect to avoid unfortunate loss.


1) Fight on the first day of the tournament only if Plato is willing to give faster energy recovery. First day is going to be epic and better to be avoided.


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