How to Run A Successful Grain Company

Day 1,187, 06:49 Published in India USA by India101

Running a successful grain company isn't as hard as you think it maybe. It just requires some learning and understanding.

When you first get your grain company then don't immdeailty hire employees. Hiring employees is something that you do when you get more expirenced, so at first just work as a manger and sell your grain.

When you think that you know how to run a grain company and have gotten used to the marketplace, productivity, earnings, and have a stable income then maybe hire a few wokers at first. Now the trick to getting workers on the job market is giving a good salary that can also make you profit. It is your job to calculate the productivity of diffrent level employess and then offer their salaries accordingly. [Use either the productivty formula, or a company simulator]

Once you have employess you need to keep them happy. Message them and say things like "good job" and make sure to give them raises and not be so greedy and make 10's of INR of profit. I mean how would you like it if someone was ripping you off that much?

Pricing also plays a very important role in a grain company. You need to price your grain so your making profit but also can sell it within 24-30 Hours. The right priced grain is usally the one that sells the quickest.

Last but not least, You need to inspect the wellness of your workers. If you have some worker that is just working at 55 wellness and steling your INR then FIRE THEM! You are being ripped off and they are taking advantage of you. But if they are working with high wellness then reward them by maybe salary increases. Also remember that there is a 10% income tax so some of their salary goes away so make sure to pay them well.