How to Revive the Economy Part 1

Day 776, 11:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ostin

Dear Friends we have to revive our economy and fast.
Please leave behind what all happened.

As of now we have to focus on improving it.

I will try to give my suggestions and suggestions from everyone is welcome.

Sumatra is a High Oil Region
Java is our capital

So in my opinion we can be :
1. The No.1 Oil exporting country in the world.
2. The Weapons Hub of the world


1. We have a good population
2. we have Q5 hospitals we can work at high productivity and deliver more products.
3. Our original regions.

the manager can price its products at competitive rates.
so that the whole world can buy from us.

The government can also help by providing subsidy to these two sectors by reducing import tax and vat wherever applicable.

So entrepreneurs please start your unit in these two is win win situation over here..both for the country as well as the citizens. more citizens gets job and generates revenue for the government.

eIndonesia the next HUB for Oil and Weapons.
suggestions please

thanking you,