How To Resist!

Day 1,272, 09:57 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Gil-games

Kia Ora!

As you fellow kiwis saw the past days event, we have been aggressed and betrayed. Soon we will be ereased from eRepublik`s map, but deleted. We will remain on our beloved and occupied land. So we must learn how to survive the period of occupation. First thing to buy stuffs from the market until its exist. When the conquering will be complete spend all your NZD. I see a great chanse that we will be free quite soon, do not give up your citizenship. ALWAYS follow the MoD-Orders. It could seen strange but possible that we must do a favor in order to get it back and do a Resistent War (RW). Be prepaired to anything and never give up!

It is more important then ever to keep in connection with chat and newspapers! I urge our government again to share their plans with us, to let us know for what and how we fight! I understand everybody who don`t want to work for argentines or chil(i)es and make them profit, but your Hard Worker Medal is more important! Solution could be to make an emigration to somewhere. To one of our ally maybe, but this should be organized. (if there will be enough comment on it, i`ll think about a place and organize it as well)

So stay in touch, be prepaired and fight hard where MoD say so....Good Hunt Kiwis
