How To Maintain The Wellness Bar

Day 783, 07:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

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Hi, me don't know how to maintain the wellness bar... me went to net lag... suddenly me "ter" click more time on the war key... sofrom 90 it jump down... that was after me went to the hospital...
so how to maintain hp?


Actually there are some feature that you can use to maintain your wellness!
Wellness is part of important aspect that you need to pay attention. Why wellness is important:

1. Productivity depend on your wellness. The higher the wellness mean higher productivity.
High Wellness + High Productivity = High Wages

2. Numbers of fight you can fight perday in battle depends on your wellness
You can only involve in war when your wellness is higher than 40, sokeep your wellness more than 40 is important for you to fight in thenext war.

How to increase your wellness?

1. Buying Food

2. Gift
You can't use the gift that you bought by yourself. You need friend tooffer it to you to use the gift. You could also use organization tooffer the gifts to you. You can only receive 10 gifts perday.

3. House
A house might be expensive but you should keep in mind to own one if you're planning to stay.

4. War
But for me the better way to increase your wellness is go to war, onceyou fight, your wellness will drop 10 and when you reach lesser than 30wellness, you are qualify to go to the hospital ( and it will increase 50 wellness to you.

So you can maintain wellness more than 90 and go to fight again in the next day.

The President of Pakatan Rakyat

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