How to help the US economy

Day 501, 18:17 Published in USA Singapore by Charles Martel

I was looking at Gobba's new world map:
and I was curious about the resources.
An analyis of the resources of the top countries by experience points in the game:

1. Romania
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
High Iron
High Diamonds

2. Indonesia
High Grain
Medium Wood
High Oil
High Iron
High Diamonds

3. United States
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
Medium Iron
Medium Diamonds

4. Hungary
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
No Iron
No Diamonds

5. Spain
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
High Iron
No Diamonds

The countried near the top have high resources, but they got the resources because they are strong; they're not strong because they have high resources. It also depends on which part of the world you're in. Europe doesn't have much access to Oil or Diamonds. Southeast Asia doesn't have access to much wood.

However, a country's resources are a good predictor of its economic strength

Countries ranked by exports

1. Brazil 1168.33
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
High Iron
Medium Diamonds

2. Indonesia 1104.51
High Grain
Medium Wood
High Oil
High Iron
High Diamonds

3. Romania 915.72
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
High Iron
High Diamonds

4. Spain 645.74
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
High Iron
No Diamonds

5. United States 551.11
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
Medium Iron
Medium Diamonds

6. Hungary 412.79
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
No Iron
No Diamonds

7. Canada 330.32
High Grain
High Wood
High Oil
Medium Iron
High Diamonds

8. Italy 285.56
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
No Iron
No Diamonds

9. Germany 208.37
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
Medium Iron
No Diamonds

10. Poland 198.96
High Grain
Medium Wood
No Oil
Medium Iron
No Diamonds

Several Countries that you wouldn't expect to be in that list, like Canada and especially Brazil, are, because they have lots of resources. It's common knowledge that the US is an exporting nation. For us to increase our production, we should get more resources. The only ones we don't have are High Iron and High Diamonds. High Iron would also let our government get cheaper weapons.

Close high diamond deposits:

Canada (Northwest Territory and Nunavut)
They're our allies, and we have nothing to offer them, since they only need high Iron.

Russia (Kamchatka)
They have alliances with Iran, Indonesia, Italy, Chile, Brazil, and Argentina expiring within 4 days, and Hungary in 12 days. We could attack the region, but they have strong allies, and may be able to counterattack and retake it. Still, we have nothing to lose.

Romania (East Siberian)
It's their only High Diamond region, so they won't give it up.

The only other high diamond regions are in Australia and South Africa.

Close high iron deposits:

North Region and Northeast region (Brazil)
We'd have to go through Mexico and Venezuela to get there, and Brazil is too strong with too many alliances.

West Siberian region (Romania)
Yeah, right.

Urals Region (Romania)
We'd have to go through several regions, including the West Siberian region.

Asturias (Spain)
We're their allies, and it's their only high Iron region.

Heilongjiang and Liaoning (Iran)
The most practical choice. We could make a deal with Russia to go through Kamchatka, or just attack them (and get a High Iron region in the proccess). However, Iran has too many strong allies. We could use a political takeover to gain those regions, as Iran has a relatively low population. Their presence in presidential elections has been 252-552-301-455. Sending in 400 voters from us and our allies, we could easily takeover Iran.

There are also high Iron regions in Turkey, Indonesian-occupied India, and Romanian-occupied Ukraine.

I think the best option is to takeover Iran while attacking Russia, then attack Iran. If we took Kamchatka, Heilongjiang, Jilin, then Liaoning, we would have a strip of land safe from any strong PEACE countries. If this is successful, the US would finally have a high region of every resource.