How to cheat the system in eRepublik

Day 1,464, 11:57 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
Cheating the system is not illegal, in fact its encouraged by both the admins and the Swedish government. And by cheating the system I mean avoid to pay the taxes.

Article by Toothpaste

The economical module in the game is beyond saving so the admin came up with some patch up work for now. For example, the admins buys off goods from the market every hour for a special price. This means that there is no real market competition between factory owners. The price is pretty much stagnant.

Another example is the possibility to send to each other any amount of goods and money via the donation system. People don't need the market to trade, instead they donate goods and money between each other. This kind of business is called for “black market”.

The combination of those two patches results that the government can gain tax money from the admins hourly market sweep and allow players to trade between each other at the same time, avoiding to pay 25% VAT (moms). This results in that the state is getting money to run its military and players get 20% cheaper goods. Everybody wins.

New players seem to be unaware that many players in Sweden sell goods 20% cheaper compared to the official market price. New players don't either have the right connections and might not know who to buy from. Therefore, I have made a list with Swedish producers that produce and can sell a lot of goods each day. Q5 weapons and Q5 food are the most economic ones so buy only those.

Click on the image above. It will take you to the Swedish forums and to a thread where well known businessmen have put up their prices on goods that they are selling. Happy trading!