How to: buy Russian Q6 weapons for 38 SEK

Day 1,504, 11:58 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
If you are interested in cheap goods, like weapons or even food, look outside the box! This is a guide how to do just that.

Guide by Toothpaste

Step 1: Look at other markets
Today, the Ruski Ruble is of the same worth as the Swedish krona. Yet the difference in prices on Q6 weapons are enormous. Swedish businessmen are selling Q6 tanks for 48 SEK, while the Ruskis are selling it for around 38 Ruble (ca 38 SEK) - note: dont forget to extract VAT (Moms) from the price.

Always look around at other markets for prices. Today Ruskis are cheap, tomorrow maybe somebody else will be.

Step 2: Take contact
Find a player who is selling a larger amount of weapons and send him a PM, asking if he is willing to sell weapons to you via the donation system (also called black market).

Its important to trade via the donation system of 3 reasons: 1) you wont have to get export license or citizenship 2) you wont have to pay VAT 3) you wont have to play on the risky and time consuming monetary market

Step 3: Offer gold instead of Ruble
Do not play around with your SEK or gold on the monetary market. There is no need for you to get Ruble. Sending gold directly to the player in another country works just as good. Offer him gold instead of ruble (38 ruble = 0.0365 gold).

Step 4: Watch out for getting fooled
Its not always easy to trust other players, especially from another country. And its even harder if he is from an enemy country. But remember this: a business knows no borders.

Try to first of all find a honest person, for example, a person that has something to lose if he tries to cheat you. A politician or a military leader. Also look at his newspaper to see if you can spot if he a serious player.

Feel free to ask around other players if they know somebody trustworthy from the country that you want to trade with and ask them if the person you are about to trade is alright.

When starting to actually trade, don't send to large amounts of gold/goods via the donation system. Trade some of the total deal per each transaction until you both let each other know a bit better.

Step 5: Make him your friend
Friends outside the country is must in eRepublik. Especially if you are interested in making business, but you never know when you will find your self in need of a foreign citizenship. Therefore: keep contact with the businessman.

NOTE: when you read this the prices might be different from the ones in the article.