How to avoid using batzookas!

Day 2,170, 08:25 Published in Norway Finland by WP Attak

The Batzooka damage is based on player Q7-damage and division:

10% more than a Q7 weapon (Div 1), 20% (Div 2), 30% (Div 3), 40% (Div 4)…

But how to avoid wasting these, and saving them for that special BH?

1. Don't claim the rewards before you want to use them.

2. Don't build them before you want to use them.

Especially if you want to do fist-fighting. Like with regular bazookas you probably need to use the baTzookas before you can go back to your regular boxing.

Apparently batzookas benefit from boosters then it is probably best to save them until you get the booster-reward. More Profit!

First booster reward is at 400 PP. 😉

Confirmed by a reader: Batzookas CAN be boosted!

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