How The Rich Are Abusing War Bonds

Day 900, 18:38 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Canadian Conduit - Issue #43

***Note: This is not an official statement from the Executive Branch, and it bears no association to my appointment as Minister of Communication.***

**UPDATE: 1ronman has declared he will be withdrawing 150g from his War Bonds purchases, opening them up for other eCanadians to purchase. The Canadian Conduit extends its gratitude for this gesture to eCanadian citizens.**

What if I told you a system was in place that allowed over 89 gold to be gathered up from average eCanadian citizens and donated to 2 of its richest citizens just for being rich? Believe it or not, it’s happening right now.

For those of you who are as lazy as me I’ve linked to parts of the article, so you can do as little reading as possible while still learning enough to get angry.


How War Bonds Work

How War Bonds Devalue Your Dollars

So Who Is Making All This Money?

What Can We Do To Fix This?

What's The Point Of This Article?

Read These Before Getting Butt-Hurt">

How War Bonds Work

Bonds are a great idea, but it's a system that needs tweaking to avoid exploitation. War bonds should support the war effort; instead, all they're doing is allowing rich eCanadians to snatch huge profits from average citizens without providing a service of any kind.

As we know, War Bonds include you donating gold to the government, and the government uses its ability to print money to issue CAD for this gold at a higher rate than the monetary market offers. The rate is currently 38 CAD per 1g. Seeing as 1 CAD = 0.031g (or 1g = 32.25 CAD conversely), that means an investment of 1g in war bonds means a very quick 5.75 CAD (or .178g) profit. If you invested 10g you would within a few days have 11.78g in your pocket. So, the government raises gold for the war effort and citizens make a profit. What's the problem?">

How War Bonds Devalue Your Dollars

The problem is that nothing is for free. This money has to come from somewhere. Bonds are essentially a trade-off: the government gets more gold at the cost of devaluing the currency - it introduces more currency onto the market without introducing more gold, which means a higher CAD to gold ratio, which in turn means CAD is worth less. Still, in war time, these things need to be done. So, again, what's the problem?

The problem is that war bonds are making rich eCanadians richer, and poor eCanadians poorer. Bonds are only available up until 1000g, and those limited bonds are being snatched up immediately in absurd chunks by rich eCanadians who are privy to congressional and executive decisions.">

So Who Is Making All The Money?

1ronman has purchased 250g in bonds and Dalyath has purchased 250g in bonds from the Victory Bonds Canada organization. This means fully half of the 1000g in available war bonds have been gobbled up by already rich eCanadians. 1ronman and Dalyath both stand to instantly make 44.5g from this transaction.

That means that through the devaluing of the CAD currency, 89g is being donated to 1ronman and Dalyath, and this donation is being made by anybody who owns CAD.

I, too, saw the incredible profit potential in war bonds, and as a successful businessman, I considered taking advantage. I have 300g in liquid assets with which I could purchase war bonds and make an easy 53 gold. However, I did not, because it would have been a morally bankrupt decision. Those war bonds are for average eCanadians, and hoarding them for my own profiteering purposes is not in my mandate. I would buy a more appropriate set of bonds (say, 10 or 20 gold), but I'm sure by now with the heavy handed buying we've seen that they're already sold out.">

What Can We Do To Fix This?

Bonds need to be made to have a limit on how many any one person can purchase. This way, one or two citizens can't buy out all the available bonds and claim all the profit for themselves. I can't reveal what most of the proceedings for this include (as for some peculiar reason it's in closed congress), but I will say that hopefully congress does something about this before War Bonds are issued again.">

What’s The Point Of This Article?

Nea Milosu had his hands tied with a broken system and a country that desperately needed funds, so in my opinion no blame should be placed on him. Instead, I ask that 1ronman, Dalyath, and anyone who is attempting to purchase over 100g in bonds request their purchases back at a rate of 1:1, so that these bonds will become available to the average eCanadian.

Please implore these two to rescind their purchases, because War Bonds are here to support our armed forces. Not our wealthy ones.">

Read These Before Getting Butt-Hurt

Comments Pre-empts:

1: For those of you who will berate me for disclosing Closed Congress information, please note that everything outlined in this article is public information.
2: Again, this is not an attack on my Prime Minister’s decision to issue war bonds. Rather, it is an attack on an exploitable system and those who are exploiting it.
3: I am by no means implying that this is a deliberate attempt by 1ronman, Dalyath, or any member of government to screw over the little guy. However, that is what’s happening, and experienced citizens should know better.