How MU orders should work (players version)

Day 1,457, 14:04 Published in Ukraine Romania by MuMed

This is what improvements we need to the military unit order system:

- orders can be set during current round, but will take effect only after the end of this round (people can't be 24 hours per day in front of the monitor)

- commander has to have an option to change captain's order (I'm a captain of my MU. I'm setting order at 0:00 time, and my commander comes later and wants to change it - but he can't, so he must to look for me to do it - it's wrong. We must be able to rotate each other orders for the best experience)

- 2-nd commander must be involved in MU order system too - othervise this post is useless


- наказ ставиться під час раунду, але вступає в силу з початком наступного раунду

- командир та капітан можуть переставляти накази один одного для забезпечення максимальної актуальності військових дій

- 2-ий командир повинен бути залучений в систему наказів також, інакше ця посада недоцільна

Make this post to the top - I'm sure that many players want those improvements.