How Low Will Prices Go?

Day 1,536, 10:23 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

I used to think .15 was the lowest price for RM..
Actually, back when it was .35 I would even consider that amount to be laughable...
In fact -today I'm selling RM.. At .09
.09 per unit, unbelievable..
How far can it go?
.01? 🙁 ... at .01 I can't even cover food prices.

25,000 (my daily production) *.01 = 250 usd

My daily food costs are 200-300 usd

Quick Solution Proposals:
Introduce new companies or things that can be made from RM.
Make something other than just food companies for FRM and make sure they are useful or interesting.

Current Tren😛
Prices are going downhill, some big-time players get frustrated as they see their investments diminish every day.
RM is becoming useless in our economics and some RM companies, such as Q1 at this rate will produce a negative profit.