How About This For A Surprise ?

Day 285, 19:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

The following is a message sent to me by the controversial president Victor to me Patton, leader of the Irish Union Party.

Message From Victor

We can"t find an active candidate for Presidency.
If you decide to candidate, we will vote for you.

Patton's Replies

Well hell man I am not sure how do respond to that. Since I am leader of IUP my name will be up for election. Your party will be free to vote for me but frankly I am not sure I believe you man. I do know you would probably rather have me taking control then ImaNewbie.

If your party members vote me in I will run but as a safety precaution I must tell my own party members to vote ImaNewbie. I hope you understand. I need a safeguard. Though if you want an Ireland that wont forever hate you and Romania I would get your IR guys to vote for me. Im just not as bloodthirsty as the IF guys. I also think donating a large amount of gold to the Irish treasury would be a nice touch too.

Hey as a heads up I am going to print our message on my paper I dont want the Irish people to think I made a deal to get the presidency underhandedly

End of Replies

I have not cut anything out. I have decided to share this with the Irish people. My view coincides with my first reply. I dont know if this is a trick of some kind to divide the Irish agasint themselves. So no matter what happens tomorrow all IUP should vote for the IF candidate, ImaNewbie. The rest of my replies show my stances and biases. For instance I hate what Victor but I dont really hate Victor, after all its just a game and he sure spiced the game up for Ireland. No one can deny that. Our population has gone from 270 at the start of last month to 600 people. Even if he leaves not all of these new people leave with him and alot of these new guys are not even associated with him. No doubt even if Victor is really and truly gone Ireland will be a completely different country. For example, look how IF has revitalized their party through the Crisis. They have over 100 more members then they had last month with the other parties pretty static. Talk about power overoload. Also there is huge quantities of IEP out there. Potentially able to wipe all the gold of our market and screw us over several times. Not to mention the fact that Ireland has become a haven for importer's of all kinds. And dont forget even though Victor cant find an active candidate that doesnt neccessarily mean the political influence of IR will die.

My point is new factors are effecting Ireland. Ireland is a different country then it was before and I dont think it will be possible to ever turn back the clock . If Victor is gone Ireland's leaders need to take into account these new challenges and deal with them appropiately

Disclaimer: I dont know whether or not to believe Victor but if I do somehow win tomorrow's election even though no one in my party should vote for me I can guarantee to run Ireland in a creative intelligent way. I dont mind political lines and I am always open to new ides. That being said I will be casting my vote tomorrow for ImaNewbie and I suggest all Irish do so. We can reorganize Ireland after we take it back.