HOSPITALS! Help wanted in construction industry. HELP eCANADA!

Day 669, 11:54 Published in Canada North Korea by Foreign Affairs Canada

HOSPITALS! Help wanted in construction industry. HELP eCANADA!

Health Canada is the Canadian Government-run Q5 hospital company. It is run by the Ministry of Industries cabinet office. We have a Q5 hospital ready to deploy at any time, should we lose our only Q5 hospital in Alberta due to enemy occupation. And we are half-way finished towards completing our next Q5 hospital which will likely be deployed immediately to bring a second Q5 hospital region to eCanada.

Hard hats, construction workers - we need your help now.

We are seeking construction workers with skill levels 5 or 6, or even higher than 7.00, who work every day and maintain their wellness at 90% - 100%. We pay a very competitive wage - one of the highest in-game for construction workers. Why work to build houses for some rich eCanadian to make more profit off of, when you can be helping eCanada and helping yourself?

Other Canadians are doing their part. Just one patriotic employee, Mirhagk, has volunteered to work for much less than he could get in the open market, just so we can build another hospital and save our money to buy weapons to fight with. Please be sure to send Mirhagk a note of thanks.

If you would like to help too, simply accept an existing job offer with Health Canada, PM me in the eCanada Center, or PM the Ministry of Industries in-game.

Citizen B, Minister of Industries