Hoping for the Best. Preparing for the Worst.

Day 490, 15:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I write now so that my voice may be heard before the votes in tomorrow’s elections are cast. I am an American, who, when Brazil’s poorly disguised planned take over became apparent, moved to South Africa in hopes of somehow assisting them in resisting the aggressive overtures of Brazil.

It is no secret what Brazil hopes to do tomorrow. Bunaly’s article (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/opera-o-beta-partido-militar-1-759011/1/20) clearly outlines their intentions. Other articles, much more recently published, show a large number (thirty plus) of these Brazilian and Indonesian infiltrators that have come in country.

My father, one of the wisest men I know, taught me, that while we may hope for the best, that we should always prepare for the worst. Many of you are hoping that this take over will be defeated at the voting polls tomorrow. There is reason to hope. Firstly, PEACE forces have proven themselves to be inept at anything that requires a degree of subtly. Bunaly’s article is prime evidence of that sentiment. Also, I know of a handful of Americans who have come to South Africa in hopes of helping. Some are driven by altruistic motivations. Others simply want to put their boot to PEACE’s collected face. I’m certain that there are folks from other nations who have come to Africa in hopes of assisting you.

We hope for the best. But, it is time to realize, South Africa.

War may be inevitable. Through the efforts of your more vocal citizens and those who truly desire to see South Africa remain its autonomy, many of these infiltrators have been identified. The terrible truth of the matter is, that for every single saboteur who has been fingered as such, ten have, most likely, escaped detection.

There is a tension in the air tonight, those who would dare call friends. A tension that foretells of a terrible storm looming just beyond the horizon. The time to act is not tomorrow when you cast your vote. The time to act is now!

Spend your money, and purchase as many weapons and arms as you can. Apply for jobs in the weapons manufacturing. Get your wellness as high as you can. Have friends overseas send what they can spare, or better yet, ask them to move here and reinforce the lines.

Make no mistake. This is a call to prepare for war.

What occurred during the events of the Mexican-American War will hold true for South Africa. With no iron producing regions, should war occur, prices will skyrocket. Stockpile your guns, make sure you train, and be ready to stand firm against the coming storm.

And hope that, instead of rain and thunderbolts, we are greeted by the glowing dawn come the morning of the 26th.