HOLY MOLEY! Karnataka is friiiikin AWESOME!

Day 812, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

This article has been written for everybody/anybody that currently is not living in California, Florida, or Karnataka. You need to be in a region with a Q5 hospital! Here is an explanation of why all of this is important.

Why you may ask?

Well, the main reason for living in a region with a Q5 hospital is that it allows you, the citizen, to fight 5 times and then to heal yourself up to perfect wellness (100). I don't need/feel compelled to focus this article on all of the different fighting techniques and how to heal because many of done that before me. If you need help learning on how to fight properly, please visit this article: click here.
It’s simple really: You cannot play this game effectively and you cannot keep your wellness high, UNLESS you live in one of the three regions that I mentioned earlier. Healing after a battle allows you to keep your wellness up. High wellness = more productivity = higher wages = wealthier citizen. It's a cycle that you want to be apart of. Not to mention that fighting also gives you 2xp per fight. So, if you live in a Q5 region and fight 5 times, that's 10 xp right there, plus the additional 4 xp from working/training. That’s 14 xp a day, helping you defend/attack for your eNation, and increasing your military ranking/ skill level. This is all possible by just living in a region with a Q5 hospital.

Why Karnataka?

Right now Karnataka is a stronghold for the eUS and EDEN. It is a former eIndia Region that will be returned after an NAP (Non-Agression Pact) between eIndia and eIndonesia expires. However, before the NAP ends, it is our region to protect. It is currently under attack in retaliation to the eUS assault on the eUK (a war of vengeance). For more on the reasoning behind the war, visit this article written by Woxan: click here.

We need people to move to Karnataka so it is harder for Phoenix to capture/take it over. The more people that ive in a region, the higher the wall. This "wall" is the amount of damage the enemy has to deal to take it over. Right now, we have a very high wall in Karnataka, but it isn't enough. We need to move everyone from the *wasteland* regions, into this region to ensure that it will never be taken over.

*Wasteland regions are any region that does not have a Q5 hospital.


There is a lot more that I can say about this matter, but I wanted to keep this short and precise. Everybody that is currently in a "wasteland" region, please move to Karnataka. If you cannot afford a moving ticket, you can contact a number of organizations, including this org.

Here is a link for all you nooblets out there as well: Database for eUS Citizens

It is a database of links that will provide you with everything that you need/would want to know about this fantastic game. Also, if you cannot get through to the Welcoming Committee, than you can contact the Flying Unicorn Squadron.

Additional Info:

One more thing, I have extra moving tickets as well. If you contact me asking me for a ticket and answering a question that I will ask you (to ensure that you have been trying to learn the game), then I will send you one for free, that's right for free.

Alright, so hopefully you hear my plea, my warning, whatever you want to call it.
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Marcus Patterson