Hiya Wales, Karacticus here.

Day 688, 10:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Mr Bob Boblo has made me suddenly realise that I've been neglecting you Wales.
I'm a bad man and it's not your fault.

Now what I'd like to do is point out a few things that I can do to help you and you don't even have to be in the Unity Party- I'll be nice to anyone from Wales.

Now first off, we have a forum and if your new to the Welsh regional forum I'll dip in my pocket and give you a welcome basket. This basket will have food in it, maybe weapons and who knows what else.

Second thing is talking to me. I'm usually knocking about somewhere on here and I want you to chat with me. You can pm on here or chat with me on the forums the choice is yours.

Ok expect a message off me over the weekend all about stuff. I are here for you.
