History Of Presidents Of Iran -[ Sahand.M]

Day 774, 08:16 Published in USA Iran by Sahand.M

please vote and sub my news paper
this is history of CP of iran
read it and vote

Koroush Administration

On January 1st, Pasargad party won the elections with a landslide vote. Koroush was elected as Iran's Shah, while Shakir Nasrollah and Inchimige became the party's first two congressmen. As the Shah, Koroush swore to make Iran into a superpower. Early January Koroush changed Iran's government to Monarchy with himself as the Shah (King), thus Iran could also be called Imperial State of Iran or/and Kingdom of Iran. Januray 1st, later became the National day of Iran as it was the day Iran became free and started to progress.

To begin his leadership, Koroush requested that all citizens contact him with their wishes for the country. He also began a widespread effort to encourage other users to come to Iran. Within three weeks, he had made public a large number of his plans for the country. These plans included provisions for an intelligence agency, a cabinet of presidential advisors, forums for the citizens of the country, construction of hospitals for all regions, and an organized military. He also actively worked on stabilizing the economy and maintaining positive relations with other countries. January 10th Koroush formed the first intelligence agency in Iran later Januray 12th he changed the flag of Iran. Toward the end of his first term, Koroush issued a Human Rights Charter‎ which guaranteed numerous rights and freedoms to the citizens of Iran as well as declaring an national anthem for Iran[5]. Late January he started to recruit more Iranians and players into Iran by going to different chats, forums and communities.

On January 22nd, Koroush offered support to Turkey when it was revealed that Turkey's president (Grat8😎 had been stealing government funds and transferring them to Pakistan

The Koroush Administration and the nation of Iran experienced its first taste of controversy on January 27, when Fars News published a report covering an alleged gold-stealing plot by the government of the United Kingdom. In this report, a technique supposedly invented by the Swedes was employed to steal gold from other countries' reserves by exploiting the citizen fee provided to incoming citizens. This article was met with outrage in the United Kingdom, with then-president Kaleb vehemently denying his involvement in it, and numerous citizens from both sides calling for war. Shakir Nasrollah's attempts at mediation between Kaleb and Koroush in order to alleviate Anglo-Iranian hostilities earned him the reputation of being a "moderate voice" in Iranian politics, which he would derive his newspaper's slogan from.

Just to remember...

Izirbat Administration

Prior to the general elections and after the general elections, Izirbat said that he is going to make a constitution to prevent Presidents from taking out money from the treasury without congress approval[8] however he did not do so and multiple times he took out money from the treasury without congress approval himself

* High unemployment
* Few of congress voted on Izirbats proposals even though it was greater.
* Paying to foreigners to work in Iran but in his companies

Pasdar Administration

* Entered Iran into FIST

Ahmadi Nejad Administration

President Ahmadi Nejad, according to the former administration and himself was elected after a chat with all the party leaders. They say that they suspected the swedes trying to get power in Iran and decided to vote for one candidate, however several party leaders such as Lion King said that no one ever talked to him.

* Banned

mojtabaw Administration

Quickly after mojtabaw was elected as president he was accused of cheating by various party leaders. These party leaders claimed that mojtabaw was using the same multi accounts Ahmadi Nejad used to win the presidential elections and demanded free elections, mojtabaw however denied any use of multi accounts. After a few days of his leadership, his personal wealth suddenly became bigger as he had four more companies and five export licenses to different countries, a brand new Q4 house and that he started to donate large amount of IRR to his close friends [14] [15]. Mojtabaw continued to donate more and more money to himself and his friends, at one point a civilian named gonde got 2900 IRR from mojtabaw and his ministers (except for Reza Pahlavi) who have no use for money get 500 IRR weekly.

Mojtabaw however denies these accusations and says that the 2900 IRR was used to buy a Q4 hospital, while his opponents say that why 2900 had to be donated instead of buying the hospital directly. He also claims that Image:Icon-gold.gif 500 GOLD from the Iranian treasury was used to start a hospital company and then later upgrade it to Q4.

Mojtabaw also laundered money using the "official government" SO named "Mojtabaw SO" who was supposed to build Q4 hospitals for the country, using the government OS he donated large sums of gold to a civilian named Sourena and used the newspaper-buying/selling trick where mojtabaw bought the newspaper of Sourena for a high amount of gold and then sold it back to him again for little IRR to cover traces. [16]. Mojtabaw said that the reason between the donations was because he owned several companies and SO's together with Sourena, again he was attacked for having companies and being a president at the same time and that he is not saying the truth, mojtabaw however said that he is saying the truth.

During the leadership of mojtabaw, inflation raised to over 30 % from less than 10 % and value of the Iranian money decreased violently[17]. Mojtabaw printed high amounts of IRR to later put them in the monetary market for exchange to gold. At one point 50,000 IRR was printed worth 1650 gold, around 500 gold was missing from the treasury, again mojtabaw was accused of corruption because of this and there was no sign of mojtabaw. Mojtabaw was also accused by the e😜resident Pasdar for stealing gold and IRR from the treasury and sharing it with his friends. [18] [19] Pasdar also accused Mojtabaw of being the "president of the foreign people" after doing economical reforms (such as lowering import tax and making VAT and income tax higher) to benefit foreigners than the Iranians

Later in August Pakistan started insulting Iran and the Iranian people along with Islam.Ref|?} They started an official newspaper in Iran to 'educate Iranians' however their articles was insulting and threatening to the Iranians. Mojtabaw did not respond to this and ignored it. According to Mojtabaw, he invited the President of Pakistan, the President of Indonesia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iran to a private discussion and claimed that the problem was solved maturely through civil talks, his opponents however attacked him for "having maturely talks when the Government of Pakistan directly attacked Iran" and demanded evidence for this.

After the scandals of this government and the presidency of mojtabaw, he was never elected twice even though he ran for general elections.

atilaa administration

Atilaa took over the office in September with 97 votes. Two days after he formed the Ministers Council and started to work on the things that the former government ignored and broke, such as the Inflation. Atilaa during his leadership brought down the Inflation from 27 % to around 14 % at the end of his term. At the same time he made reforms in the taxes to strengthen the economy of Iran and gave a tax relief to the citizens of Iran, compared to the the previous government who raised the taxes and helped foreign companies to benefit in Iran over domestic companies.

The Bank Project was a project launched by atilaa, the project goal was to create a national bank for Iran to manage Iran's financial polices. All of the donations of Iran's government was performed through this bank. Using the same bank, atilaa paid lots of government money to gonde for hospitals, the same thing Mojtabaw did and both was criticized for wasting government money. Another actions Atilaa took was decreasing the rate of IRR to 0.30 compared with Gold, which according to him helped to strengthen Iran in the world market.

During his leadership, he created foreign companies outside Iran for "creating stockpiles in case of future wars". As of right now the status of the money that went to this and the companies are unknown, nothing is known.

The goals that the atilaa administration had in foreign affairs was to deduct the tension between countries all over the world and have peaceful relations with other countries. miladmzz, the foreign affairs minister set up two embassies in USA and France In foreign affairs our goal was to deduct the tension between countries and having peaceful relations with

At the end of September a complete report of what government did in September was published in Azer post

Because of not supporting corruption and cheating and not agreeing with the former president for destroying Iran, he lost the October elections. Although he had more votes than what he did September.

mojtabaw administration
Mojtabaw after atilaa winning the elections went to USA, where he was according to himself "researching" (however unknown about what) and resting and then came back to Iran, with IRAN EMIMEMT and ISN party along with a few other smaller parties working together they voted for mojtabaw.

In October, the goons decided to attempt and take care over Iran. Around fifty of them moved to Iran and formed an offensive political party along with offensive newspapers for 'trolling' Iranians. At this time the Iranians made their own avatar to make fun of the goons failed attempt at taking Iran.

During the leadership of Mojtabaw, the Government of Iran bought plenty of weapons for a high amount of gold by a former minister and a citizen of Iran who have always had connection with the Mojtabaw government. [28]. The Government was highly criticized for laundering money this way.

Overall, Iran did not progress anything at all during the leadership of Mojtabaw.

gonde administration
The election of November was so enthusiastically. Iranians decided to disappoint the Goons. So they recommend only one candidate for presidency. [29] gonde was elected by a group including Party presidents, and other active political people of Iran. And all Iranians supported him.

In his presidency time, he did some useful jobs in various branches. In society, he made The public relations , Education Organization, Propaganda Organization, Finding talent Organization, Gratuity Organization, Translate team, etc. also he tried to activate the Persian Forum.

In Politics, he made a stronger relationship with foreign countries. In economic, he revived the central bank, paid loan to companies for buying export license and upgrading and operated the Red Crescent hospital factory. In Military case, a Q5 Defense system has been bought for Sistan and Balouchistan,[30] ,Some soldiers received economic help to become Super-Soldiers. He also tried to reorganize Iran's Army. Iran helped Indonesia in their hideous resistance wars against Atlantis forces.

Due to Iran's unison and the military maneuver, most of GOONS has been chill and left the game. And Iran has been entitled the first region that teared GOONS up. During the leadership of gonde, Iran experienced a unprecedented equilibrium.
alireza-iran administration

Many of the Iranians say he did not do anything, in reality he did not do anything either.
atilaa administration

Atilaa helped indonesia to start a militry project that called sabrina.

milad_dante administration
Milad dante saved liaoning from romani's attack[?].He decline romani's offer about partnership and attacked them to blocked them.[?] Milad dante made some bad choices for Iran and followed self-interests rather than the interests of the country [31] and later ended up being impeached by the congress of Iran.

Lord of Alamut Administration

He came to the power after the impeachment of Milad Dante. Lord of Alamut was in office for less than one month; he kept eIran Economy and Military until the next Presidential Election.

agha rahman administration
unfortunately agha rahman had some problems in the real world and he couldn't do anything for eIran so he had impeched...

Pejmaaan administration
After Iran and Canada war Pejmaaan impeched for loseing the most important region of Iran, Northwest Territories ....