Hindustani INC- Currently Seeking Investment

Day 1,208, 14:01 Published in India USA by India101
This is message from the corporate Office of Hindustani INC. We would like to inform all that we are currently seeking investment. We need only 20 gold to start up a company for you that we ourselves will run. We have 2 pricing options, but more can be

Which Companies We will Run
We will currently only be opening up Food and Grain Companies. Both of these sectors are good profit [about 20 INR/day] and they provide Indians with the needed stocks they need.

Since we will be managing the company for you in the start we will only be working as manager then slowly but steadily we ill hire workers. Pricing varies but these are the 2 main ways.

Cut Of Profit
We can accept a cut of your final profit, but know that the percentage varies as each case is different.

Daily Price
You can pay us a daily price that can vary, but basically we will collect this fee when your profit is paid out.

Other Options
If you have any other options that you think is FAIR for both parties then please message us with a detailed explanation. We will evaluate it.

Minimum Investment
MINIMUM INVESTMENT IS 10 GOLD if you have a partner, and 20 gold without a partner.

Why Invest
You may be a successful businessman that has too much money or is to lazy to run another company then this is PERFECT FOR YOU! We currently have begun this program but we have only 1 client so far. So what are you waiting for?!?! Message India101 and put the subject as Hindustani INC- Investment.